Friday, November 09, 2007

Burmese survivor testimonies post-clampdown --from Bangkok Channel 4 News

Part of a human brain lying in a Rangoon drain, photo copyright Citizen Journalist, Rangoon. The caption says it was due to a beating with iron rods, but U Bo Kyi in piece below says it was splattered out due to the young man being shot by soldiers in the forehead. This photograph has been circulating on the Internet since the clampdown of Sept 26th and 27th, but I am only posting it now because it illustrates what U Bo Kyi is talking about in the Channel 4 piece below.

From Bkk Channel 4 News:

The three people interviewed are:

1. U Panchar, a Sikh businessman and activist, now in hiding. This shows it was not just a demonstration comprised of Buddhists, but also of people of other religions.

2. Ashin U Kovida (pronounced "Kaw -- wi - da" ) a Buddhist monk who also led the demonstrations.

3. U Bo Kyi of the AAPPB (Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners, Burma.)

I am posting a copy of the photograph of a piece of human brain lying in a drain. (This is what the people in the Channel 4 piece are lined up looking at at the end part of the piece.)

Even some overseas based activists/academics deny this is real, but it is.

Earlier I showed the picture to 2 different people who have MD degrees and they confirmed it is the brain of a young person.

We need the international community to keep paying attention and pressuring and for UN Special Envoy Mr. Gambari to keep on with his mission. We need international monitors of human rights abuses to be in Burma on an on-going basis.

Text copyright Kyi May Kaung

The Journeyer--Gary Jennings--His Aztec is unforgettable