Friday, November 02, 2007

Hollywood Writers' Strike -- Burmese Intellectuals Need Similar Rights

Concerning the Citizen Journalists and Photographers who sent out such important footage during the recent and continuing Burma crisis, we received word that they are either on the run or being harrassed by the junta.

Other Burma bloggers and I are working on trying to find a way to guarantee Copyrights for the photos etc that they risked their lives to get.

I suggested calling this campaign Give Us Our Images Back.

We don't want them to suffer the double, triple or quadruple whammy of being harrassed, imprisoned or killed and also of having their intellectual property stolen.

We are looking for a pro-bono lawyer well versed in Intellectual Property and Human Rights Law.

If you can help us, or know anyone who can, please leave a message on this blog as a comment.

Kyi May Kaung

Hulegu Khan--