Saturday, November 17, 2007

Burmese thugs resume bad-mouthing Suu Kyi in Mon State.

Cartoon from Web, caption: "Who will really save Burma?" Junta and Burmese army always says it will do that.
News from INWA, a Mon dissident site: "Union Solidarity and Development Association" (USDA) another Orwellian acronym if ever there was one, the Burmese brown shirts organization, started saying again in Mon State (and elsewhere inside Burma), that they are the true saviors of Burma, and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi "has never done anything for Burma."

But we all know who or what will really save Burma.

Democracy, Daw Suu, Openess and Transparency.

The right of the people to decide their own destiny.

English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...