Sunday, November 11, 2007

Khmer Rouge leader Ieng Sary arrested and taken to Tribunal

I went to a poetry reading today, where I bought a poetry book, Where are the love poems for dictators? by E. Ethelbert Miller.

In 1983, Ethelbert wrote:

"when the generals invite you home
do not salute them
when they ask you to forgive them
do not forgive them."

Copyright E. Ethelbert Miller.

In the Introduction, John Cavanagh, Director, Institute of Policy Studies, relates how Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffit were killed by a car bomb, (in view of the Chilean Embassy), in 1976, in Washington DC when they were on their way to work at IPS.

In Burma, in 1976, I read about the bomb.

It was only in 1998, that Jeremy Woodrum, of U.S. Campaign for Burma, in an interview I did of him at Sheridan Circle, showed me the small memorial, that looks like a tree stump, at the Circle.

John Cavanagh relates how Pinochet's arrest in London in 1998, led to the verb "Pinocheted."

It's amazing it took so long to get Ieng Sary pinocheted.

I have met variously, several Cambodian survivors and the human rights lawyer who worked on the Yale Genocide Project.

Hulegu Khan--