Monday, May 16, 2011

Dr Myint and Dr Kyi May Kaung cited on Wiki article on Dr Hla Myint

known as H. Myint - one of the founders (with Arthur Lewis)of Development Economics.

Dr. H. Myint advocated an open economy for Burma, and told me when I visited in Nov 2010 that he wished he had "pressed harder" with Ne Win when Taiwan liberalized, but I don't think anyone could have "pressed hard" with that dictator.

In fact according to family members, Saya Hla Myint was not even allowed to go inside Rangoon airport to see his mother, and had to talk to her while she was on the balcony from the tarmac.

I don't think anyone can persuade dictators to open up, we only think so.

Kyi May Kaung

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.