Saturday, May 07, 2011

re-posting - Paper by Dr. Bruce Mathews - State oppression of Burmese-Buddhist clergy

Bruce Mathews paper was written in 1993.

The Saffron Revolution of 2007 and the resulting crackdown, also on monks, in addition to the general population, shows how prescient he was.

In my view Burma studies and political science and commentary in general pays too much attention to the here and now, and does not go deeply enough into the reasons why things happen.

Kyi May kaung.

Kaung--Poem--Bama Pyay taw, yay set cha like-taw--As for Burma, pour the water of donation --you might as well

cut your ties with it forever. What you thought of as your homeland Is not your home anymore nor is it your land. Your earth is in some 2...