Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two classics for all seasons -

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi recently called for papers on Federalism. Here are 2 never fail classics on basic principles.


The Federalist Papers


Charles Lindblom's Politics and Markets -


which set me on a pol. sci. path.

Actually of course she knows it all already, but this will help cinch her ideas - main thing checks and balances and the supremacy of the market (test) with government control where it should control, but not where it should not.

Kyi May Kaung

Kaung--Poem--Bama Pyay taw, yay set cha like-taw--As for Burma, pour the water of donation --you might as well

cut your ties with it forever. What you thought of as your homeland Is not your home anymore nor is it your land. Your earth is in some 2...