Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Burma needs a new paradigm - (agreeing with Maung Zarni)

Need for a paradigm shift (shit??  :)

in Burma - (agreeing with Maung Zarni)

But yes, Burma needs a new paradigm, new way of seeing things, not enough to PRETEND to see things differently and give great hoo ha like Th S doing now -

Kyi May Kaung  (painting - Sha Sha "Kill Kill" based on war cry of the Boxers during the Boxer Rebellion in China

-- is it a Rorschach diagram - is it just a blot of ink?  Is it the way Burma is going or the way to go forward.

I have an interesting/amusing episode when Prof Josef Silverstein and Mrs Lynn Silverstein came to a private viewing of my art show Flux at the Foundry Gallery in Washington DC in 2002.

Saya kept looking at each painting and trying to "see" something - but of course some of my paintings are (pure) abstracts and not Rorschach diagrams.

Painting Sha Sha and note copyright Kyi May Kaung

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
