Wednesday, May 22, 2013

David Law and K.M.Kaung talk calmly about vitriolic attacks on Dr. Maung Zarni -

  • David Law -What would you remark about this young Metaphysics doctorate who condemned him on video, the one who calls himself a Sit Khway, a faithful army dog which is very crazy by Burmese standards. He claims to have read Dr. Z's Ph.D. thesis and scornfully criticized it, accusing him of plagiarism. We are supposed to quote and reveal the sources of these quotes and that is not plagiarism. But this army dog says it in Burmese, without explaining about references, takes it all out of context, to a Burmese audience not familiar with thesis writing and thus creates a lot of misunderstanding. Why is he so bursting with vitriol? Is this thesis on line?
  • Kyi May Kaung I saw the vitriolic attacks - The thesis is not yet on line, to my knowledge, as Zarni kept it off the public domain in the years when he was doing Free Burma Coalition activism - However, I have seen it and read parts of it. If it weren't properly cited, Univ of Wisc. Madison would never have granted him a Ph.D. -- FYI - I have seen "dissertations" that did not make the final cut - and it is just not citation - some cannot write a single straight sentence and make their meaning clear - It is also true of some "translations" and also some "journalism" or "news" pieces, even come "diplomatic" pieces - A Ph.D. dissertation is supposed to make a new contribution to human knowledge - It's not like writing a 3 minute radio piece - I have known people in graduate school who were not taught how to cite, or given a reference book on how to cite - In this case I looked around someone else's house to show an e.g. but as there was not a single academic book in English (no books in English at all), I could not do it. Burmese in general are slap dash writers - In 1988, the military attache at Burmese embassy told us to read Cliff Notes and write our disttns. fast - go figure - The military attache with less than 5th grade education was in charge of the state scholars - I do not think Burmese should spend their time attacking their own countrymen and women who have made it in the international sphere. I don't know why the sit khwe is angry - only he would know.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online