Thursday, May 09, 2013

Comments on Tim Aye Hardy's "Equal Opportunity Oppression" poem

  • Raymond Cancel Before any of that happens Tim, they come for your guns!
  • Tim Aye-Hardy well Ray, Burma would’ve been a completely different country and I wouldn’t be here.. if we’re the best-armed civilian population in the world as the U.S. where according to ATF; 310 million guns owned by civilians: 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns...
  • Raymond Cancel I'm not even a huge gun advocate. But world history reminds us that an unarmed populace is more accepting of such tyranny.
  • Tim Aye-Hardy maybe we should send NRA to Burma then..j/k
  • Kyi May Kaung They come for your head and your balls and everything in between - They come for your women and children.
  • Kyi May Kaung Americans have the right to bear arms, among other rights - but a passive culture and religion is not the only thing - One of my family friends used to say, "U Nu should have been like Ne Win --" but then we'd just have a different name, same dictatorship. It's a Curse to be born Burmese.
  • Tim Aye-Hardy Indeed, Aunty! It seems that over two thousand years old history of Burma is stuffed with full of struggle, oppression and cruelty - from monarchies to British colonialism, Japanese occupation, short-lived democracy, and various forms of military dictatorship incited various fashions of religious and political persecution, various form of brainwashing, ethnic conflicts, forced relocations of indigenous communities, arbitrary killings, disappearances, arrests, and lack of basic education and severe poverty didn’t help either... Seriously and Desperately yearning for peaceful and prosperous Burma where fundamental human rights are for Everyone..

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online