Saturday, February 01, 2014

Andy Goldsworthy--

My all time favorite (ephemeral) artist -- Andy Goldsworthy-

In Nov 2009, Maung Zarni and his wife Natalie Brinham came with their baby daughter, and we went to the National Gallery of Art, where I pointed out the stone/slate construction near the plate glass windows to Z.  "There, that's an Andy Goldsworthy," but I think Z thought it was a part of the building.  Anyway, here are pictures, though maybe not nice to call Goldsworthy "ephemeral," as some of his works are stone arches, fences and corrals.  So they also call it "land art" I see.

But it is surely great art.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online