Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Judgement at Nuremberg--the movie and the book-

I just watched Judgement at Nuremberg, starring Alec Baldwin.
There are substantial differences from the facts in the non-fiction book.

1.  The real Jackson resigned early in the process and completely disappeared from the trial.
2.  There was a secretary but no mention of a love affair.
3.  The hangings were not as neat as depicted, but were botched, just as the hanging of Saddam Hussein was.

I don't know how a movie can stray so far from the facts which the original author has tried so hard to convey.

Joseph E. Persico's book was exhaustively footnoted.

But Herman Goering's attempts to sabotage the trial are accurately depicted.


Sorry, the novel's original title was Therese Racquin and here is a 300 page preview--link that works--