Monday, February 17, 2014

Burma Studies Group scholarships--

February 17th 2014

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It certainly has been an exciting year to be doing work and research in Burma/Myanmar, and we have much to look forward to in the coming year.  

AAS 2014

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at this coming year’s Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference in Philadelphia (March 27-30th 2014). There is quite a selection of panels on the program this year - a total of 36 Southeast Asia-related panels – three of which are specifically about Burma/Myanmar, including our BSG sponsored panel, organized by Christian Lammerts, “Connected and Local Histories of Arakan: New Textual and Epigraphic Studies.”

BSG Business Meeting at the AAS

The Burmese Studies Group business meeting will be convened at the conference hotel (Philadelphia Marriott Downtown) on Friday (9:00pm March 28th in Meeting Room 406. Members and attendees of the AAS are welcome to attend and join the BSG.

Draft Agenda
·        Approval of the 2013 Minutes
·        Report by the Ex-Com (Initiatives and Finances)
·        Report by the Center for Burma Studies
·        Report by the Journal of Burma Studies
·        Report on the International Burma Studies Conference, Singapore
·        Election BSG Officers 2014

Please submit items to be included in the agenda by 10th March 2014 to the Ex-Com (,, ).

Burma Studies Group Travel Award 2014

In support of excellence in scholarship on Burma/Myanmar, and to increase the participation of junior scholars, the Burma Studies Group (BSG), is pleased to announce the launching of the Burma Studies Group Travel Award.

The BSG invites applications from individuals who will present a paper on Myanmar at the 2014 AAS Annual Conference in Philadelphia. This year, up to three (3) awards of $200 will be given to assist eligible individuals in defraying travel costs to the conference. Applicants must personally deliver their presentations at the conference to receive their award.

The BSG Ex-Com will select awardees using the following criteria:

       Excellence: peer review/acceptance of the paper by AAS Conference Committee. Excellence is prioritized over financial need; accepted works that are part of organized panels are also prioritized over individual papers. Applicants may indicate additional measures of scholarly merit such as a related publication/exhibition/other media not otherwise indicated in the paper abstract.

       Myanmar themes/topics/issues: The entire paper or a significant portion must be devoted to Myanmar material, regardless of discipline. For comparative works/case studies/multiple foci, the Myanmar dimension must be evident, as demonstrated by title and abstract published in the AAS program.

       Impact: the award should not be relied upon to cover all participant costs of travel but help defray customary conference expenses. Applicants are asked to briefly state other funding sources applied for and received, if applicable (such as the AAS Graduate Student Stipends, AAS LDC awards, own institutional or grant support, etc).  Awards are not normally expected to exceed AAS Graduate Student Stipends (currently pegged at $200 in 2013-2014) but unlike the AAS, has less restrictive residence requirements. No financial report is required.

BSG Election 2014

As most of you probably remember our team of co-chairs (Jane Ferguson and Maitrii Aung-Thwin) and Secretary (Christopher Miller) were elected at the BSG meeting in 2011 to serve a three-year term. Please do start thinking of candidates to nominate to continue the work of the BSG for the next three years.

According to our Constitution (a link to a copy can be referred to at the BSG website:, under “An Open Letter”),

·        Officers and all committee members in good standing of both the AAS and BSG can be nominated or self-nominated for the election. 
·        Officers can only be elected by those present at the business meeting of the AAS.
·        Each person elected as an officer of the BSG shall serve a three-year term. Each officer will be eligible for re-election to a three-year term after which they will not be eligible for a consecutive term in office.
·        Nominations with a brief profile are welcomed by 15th March 2014.  We will circulate the names and profiles shortly thereafter. 
·        Nominations by standing members will also be accepted at the meeting itself.

International Burma Studies Conference in Singapore

The biennial International BSC Conference, “Envisioning Myanmar: Issues, Images, Identities” will take place August 1st to the 3rd, at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Singapore.  The conference will be convened by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (NUS), and the Center for Asian Legal Studies (NUS).

The link to the temporary event page is as follows:

The conference website will go “live” in early March for conference details.  Please register and book your accommodations early.  There is a limited amount of space for attendees and participants.

Thank you for all of your work and interest in our group, and looking forward to seeing many of you in Philadelphia!

Best wishes,

Maitrii Aung-Thwin
Jane Ferguson
Christopher Miller

Trump cartoons-have a good laugh before your buy groceries--