Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My exactly 299 word pitch for my upcoming novel Wolf--

Hor hè hor hè hor hè.
Mothi gasps for breath, panics as he runs from the Military Intelligence.
It is the first day of the infamous clampdown on the Burmese pro-democracy movement of 1988.
Gunshots and screams come from the direction of Sulé Pagoda Road.
It smells of blood and dust.
Thus begins Mothi Awgoke’s journey into exile on the Burma-Thai Border.
He can travel everywhere but to his beloved native country.
At the height of international attention on the Burmese plight, under the military junta in its 26th year of stranglehold on Burma, he even manages to go on a 21 nation tour. 
Now Mothi needs to leave.
He has already been arrested. 
But the secret agents only knew the name on his National Registration Card, not his nom de guerre.
As he runs near Bogyoke Market, a girl in a white Mercedes screeches to a halt, tells him to jump in.
The automatic locks on the car doors click shut.
He has never been in a luxury car.
Never before has he encountered an automatic lock.
Is this woman an MI?
Thus begins Mothi’s journey into the unknown. 
Strangers help him.
But it’s not all hunky dory; not all romance and excitement.
Betrayal stalks him, sometimes gets him.
Will he at last find peace, marry, grow old?
Elegantly written over half a decade, based on extensive research and eye witness reports, Wolf:  A Novel of Love and Betrayal is the first ever fiction piece set in contemporary Burma.
A vivid surreal world, where everything is magnified as Mothi operates, often in crisis mode, against those who would like to shut him down for good.
A political thriller and a cross-cultural romance, Wolf grabs you by the collar and never lets go till its surprising dénouement.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
