Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A reader's review of FGM, one of my novellas--

A reader's review of FGM, one of my novellas--

Another novella by the author , this time on a totally different subject, FGM. Her previous novellas Black Rice ( a book about an adopted Chinese boy with dark skin in a Burmese family), The Lovers ( a story about a ballet dancer from Chile emigrating to America ) and Rider of Crocodiles (about a person who rides crocodiles - as the title states) are on totally different subjects and characters. I, as a reader, have to believe that these short stories might have been based on the writer's own experiences since unlike other writers, Ms. Kaung has written on diverse subjects. Her other two short stories "Dancing Like a Peacock and Koel Bird" and "No crib for a Bed " are likewise probably based upon her own experiences or stories that were recounted to her by the actual characters in the stories. Can't wait to read her full length novel " Wolf".

5. FGM—Kindle edition
FGM: A Story about the Mutilation of Women.
Dr. Aset, a trained gynecologist with several post graduate American degrees, lets herself be drawn into an inappropriate

My novella FGM is now available on Kindle--http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KJ3FUOE

there is also a print edition on the CreateSpace/Amazon store.


Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--
