Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kind words on my No Crib for a Bed--

Kind words from a reader/fan.

"I must confess I skipped right to the third chapter (third story in No Crib for a Bed) and read it in the parking lot.  I will be re-reading it when I start from the beginning, as the trilogy should be read.
"All I can say as I wish I could give you a great big HUG!!  Your writing is inviting the reader to live with you in the precious, funny, painful and bewildering moments.
"I find that brave and worthy of reading your words."

Sent 7-9-2014 in a handwritten note with a picture of White Tara on the cover.

Here's where you can buy my short story collection that L. was talking about.

Dealing with death and old age in the USA as immigrants--

No Crib for a Bed and Other Stories, Kindle Edition

No Crib for a Bed, print edition

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online