Friday, May 01, 2015

Peonies, buildings, cannibals--

Peonies are out--one bunch of pink peony buds=$9.99

at "Upscale."

Still, since they appear but once a year, people were buying them like hot cakes.

The 4 or 5 to 10 to 11 almond trees in front of and opposite my building now are more green than pink, all the pink petals having fallen onto the road and got stuck by the pavement and in the pansy beds.

I wish I were a tree spirit living in an almond tree, with no rents, condo fees, real estate taxes, no bills, no need to eat, no stuck toilet chain  --

but alas, we don't get to choose and the ugly woman who was so snarly at the management office died a long time ago too.

Several people have remembered her as "Oh, that woman who died, she was even worse," than the other rude people, employees snarling at the condo owners.

This building is not even that bad, compared to ones in W Phila where my friend saw what looked like a theft in progress--and the one where John Wayne Garcey(?), killed, dismembered and cooked and ate a number of people, incld a young refugee from Cambodia, who spoke no English.

I am always haunted by this, as the first attempt the young boy managed to escape, but then the serial killer convinced the liberal women in the building that the boy was really his homosexual lover, and hence, they should not interfere.

Can you imagine??

I think I need to write abt this, incld a blood curdling scream I heard from my apt in Phila at abt 2 PM from the row houses opposite.

In that apt, which was above a bar, at abt 1 AM on Fridays, the bouncer would bounce the drunks out onto the street, and there they would slur and make a racket for about 15 minutes.

I have to write about all this in fictional form.


Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.