Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The name "Getulio"

The name "Getulio" features here in my novella--

It was also the name of one of my classmates in Poland from Venezuela, Getulio and Rosa, who were the parents of a baby girl I call Wadna Ochi (beautiful eyes)

and a friend of a friend who gave me the name of the Concierto de Aranjuez--

BUT, neither of them have anything to do with the Getulio on this story, which is based partially on a Russian grad student shot on the streets of W. Philadelphia while his girl friend was making spaghetti.

What I want to say is it will be less than useless to try and look for traces of my private life, assuming I have one, in my fiction.

Like all novelists, I am an expert at bullshitting you.

I have written fiction in the voice of a 1988 student leader (Wolf), the voice of a stripper (here in The Lovers) and a lion, in Beast.

So until I feel like sharing, as Salman Rushdie did in Joseph Anton, his autobiographical novel--

you will just have to guess or not know.

After all, it is not your right, as I am not a public figure and besides, it is not interesting.

At all.

Of Life and Art.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
