Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My fiction list so far--

K.M.Kaung started writing fiction as a teenager in Burma.

Dr. Kaung holds a doctorate in Political Economy from the University of Pennsylvania.

Her work has been previously published in anthologies and literary journals, and she has read widely in universities and bookstores in N. America and Southeast Asia. From 1997-2001 she had a poetry and political commentary program on air, broadcast to Burma/Myanmar. Edward Albee praised her two act play, Shaman, and she has won Pew, Fulbright and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts grants.



and at Kyi Kaung@kyikaung on Twitter.


1.      The Lovers --a ballet dancer from Chile, who has to leave her native land for political reasons, and emigrate to America.
The Lovers has vivid local color while traversing the uneasy life of political asylees. The Lovers, print edition
The Lovers, Kindle edition
At Barnes and Noble--http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Lovers.html?id=yDABoQEACAAJ

2.   Black Rice is a Burmese man with very dark skin, almost purple, and almond eyes.  He is captured in an ambush in Burma's delta in 1947, as ethnic strife rages.  K.M. Kaung takes you on a heart stopping journey.

3.   The Rider of Crocodiles
Dr. Kaung was traveling in Thailand when a colleague told her his great great grandfather was not killed in Ayuthia in 1767 when the Burmese invaded, as he knew how to ride crocodiles.
print edition
Kindle edition

4.  Dancing like a Peacock and Koel Bird

A seven year old girl is sent off across the border to earn a living and send money home to Burma.

Dancing like a Peacock & Koel Bird, also includes Little Transparent Fetus Buddha.

Print (soft cover) + Kindle editions

5.  FGM—Kindle edition
FGM: A Story about the Mutilation of Women.
Dr. Aset, a trained gynecologist with several post graduate American degrees, lets herself be drawn into an inappropriate

My novella FGM is now available on Kindle--http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KJ3FUOE

there is also a print edition on the CreateSpace/Amazon store.

6.  Dealing with death and old age in the USA as immigrants--
No Crib for a Bed and Other Stories, Kindle Edition
No Crib for a Bed, print edition
7.  Home is Where
Kindle edition USA

New link for Kindle of The Lovers—new price
8.  Band of Flesh print edition--+ review
Band of Flesh e edition + one review They have different cover designs.
A.     My Amazon author page in British pounds

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
