Monday, March 21, 2016

1978 murder of British communist scholar from SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies by Pol Pot's people.

Everyone should read this.  Especially the women who want to sleep with the enemy, the men and women who think they can tango with the junta.  All those who think they can handle dictators of any sort, those at the family level to the country level.

In this case even Noam Chomsky was wrong. 

It all smacks of Stalinist collective farm policy and investing the "surplus" in industry.

As I wrote, now Cambodia is still without even small scale cottage industries, though many hotels.  Our 3 star hotel had plastic fruit on the table, and the Thai tour took us to cheap Vietnamese restaurants.  I avoided Pnom Penh as I did not want to see the killing fields or Tuol Seng on a first trip, and so far I have not been back.

This is an EXCELLENT article and I strongly recommend it.  Somewhere else, in an article I now cannot find, Elizabeth Becker wrote of the night in the guest house, with the corpse of Caldwell? in the room next door.

It all happened literally during the death throes of the Khmer Rouge.

I don't rate articles, but this is about a 7 out of 5.

kmkLost in Cambodia | The life and death of Malcolm Caldwell

Lost in Cambodia | The life and death of Malcolm Caldwell

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online