Monday, September 26, 2016

Good article on Facebooking--

I decided I won't delete and open a new one till I get a literary agent and a breakthrough in my writing career.

I just had a long vacation with folks I got back in touch with again via FB.

But I found many people (on FB) do not check their email inboxes.

And also FB is too dangerous to keep using.

It needs to resolve the cloning and hacking problem.

I only had it for 3 years.

In contrast I have had this blog for more than 10 years.

So maybe--

and as for writing & painting, it has been around forever.

So hooray for old tech.

The advice was--"go back to paper and pencil"

(if you were hacked or cloned)

and so it is and so it will be,


PS--I think FB was "too close" and too much sharing anyway.

David Eubank of Free Burma Rangers--organizes Run for Relief, Myanmar--in Chiangmai,Thailand.

Thank you David,