Monday, October 24, 2016

Fuzzy pictures from last 2 decades--

 Rose Parade, CA--how I miss my friend Daw Taw Myo Myint--I never say of dissidents RIP as it is not what they wanted.
 After poetry reading in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with Free Burma Coalition students who arranged everything.  One young man was drugged with an elephant sedative in his drink in a bar in Bangkok.
 Reading at Borders Book Store--
 With other delegates IASFM--International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Chiangmai.
Near the Ping River, Chiangmai.  This was at a restaurant used by Queen Sirikit, they said.  I was unhappy as they showed a video made by Hseng Noung at lunchtime!  She is the wife of Bertil Lintner and video was about the plight of Shans--

David Eubank of Free Burma Rangers--organizes Run for Relief, Myanmar--in Chiangmai,Thailand.

Thank you David,