Sunday, January 22, 2017

Michael Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great, BBC--last segment, India and Makran Desert.

I have been watching all these on Youtube, from Macedon (Macedonia) to Bactria-- and I have read the book version of this and 2 excellent Alexander novels, by renowned Mary Renault, who somehow emphasizes Alexander's homosexuality, but in a very convincing way.

In fact her Alexander books, fiction and non-fiction, may be for Greek history what Robert Graves 2 books I Claudius + are for Roman history.

My problem in watching youtube is that each series is too long to watch in one evening, so I keep losing my place, so I can't give you the links, but you can google for yourself and find them.

The Alexander series by Michael Wood is very good, and through all these centuries from 300 BC, you can hear the ring of truth

while we can't hear it from tweets from this weekend.

Think about it.

They had no maps, no complete knowledge, no GPS, no telephones and satellite communications, no steam engines, no tanks, no guns and they did all this.

Think about it.

inauguration weekend,
USA.  Illustration--Alexander on horse, from Alexander sarcophagus, from Internet

Thanksgiving dishes--I wish I cld hire a plane to airdrop food for the Resistance and the people of Burma--