Sunday, January 29, 2017

My tweets ref- "targetted assassination" of U Ni, outpsoken lawyer, NLD advisor, Muslim/Burmese Muslim/Rohingya activist in Rangoon, Burma--1-29-2017

  1. Can never say RIP 4 activist deaths but wld like to honor U Ni who spoke up & spoke up. Sendng Buddhist Metta to family NLD, all Burmese--
  2. Burma--pl retweet Fake Democracy Fake Democracy-- junta entrenched. I told you so--me Cassandra. Day to CRY CRY get angry do do do.
  3. Now short "democracy summer" is over while USA struggling-FYI detente with Burma promoted by Obama Clinton McConnell fr 2011 -end Ob. Admin.
  4. Pl retwt below U Ni was brilliant & outspoken. Who did this junta? had "grt timing" while world distracted by orange clown. Breaking news.
  5. Ko Ni NLD legl advisr shot killed accdng to party mmbr Win Htein. Police belve assntn. taxi drivr reportdly killd.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online