Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Another bad hair day under DJT etc

    58s59 seconds ago
    Another bad hair day under DJT folks??
  1. Large Canadian Arctic climate change study cancelled due to climate change - via wow
  2. Russia Launches Robotic Cargo Ship to Space Station - via
  3. US retail sales in May are weakest in 16 months - via
  4. Trmp to nominate Democrat Jessica Rosenworcel net neutrality supprtr to return to FCC - via
  5. Stephen Colbert talks to 'Melania Trump' about how she's settling into the White House - via
  6. State Dept official met with the 3 Americans still being held in North Korea - via
  7. Megyn Kelly's intv w Alex Jones shows her, and NBC's, lack of news judgment what abt info. take fr NBC intv of DJT
  8. GOP baseball shooting: Lawmaker Scalise wounded, one person in custody - via
  9. High-level U.S. visit leads N Korea to free student in coma via at last T. admin doing something too late
  10. War crimes prosecutor calls for arrest of Saif Gaddafi, dictator's son via
  11. Rep. Steve Scalise Is Wounded After Gunman Fires At GOP Baseball Practice In Virginia
  12. Trump impeachment calls surge with president facing the ‘most serious scandal’ in U.S. history
  13. "Trump's brand of populism goes out of its way to help Wall Street"
  14. "Tuesday's Mini-Report, 6.13.17"

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--