- quote of today "I know the subject well." like alt facts and terrorist attack in Sweden.
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Pres Trump stewing this morning about "fake news." Uses tweets to denounce what he regards as false reports about him. Singles out @nytimes.

Kyi Kaung Retweeted Mark Knoller
oo la la, not afraid of Macron, eh?
This time crush his fingers, Macron.
Kyi Kaung added,
Kyi Kaung Retweeted Mark Knoller
Hope he's reminded of French Revn.
Kyi Kaung added,
It will mean two visits to Europe next month by Pres Trump, already scheduled to travel to Poland and then Germany for the G20.
Pres Trump convenes energy roundtable with state, tribal and local leaders as part of his plan for US energy dominance. (Photo @jonkarl)

Kyi Kaung Retweeted Mark Knoller
Does he think everyone dumb??
Kyi Kaung added,
No TV cameras at today's WH briefing. Still photos okay. June Scoreboard:
On-camera - 6
No camera - 11
No briefings – 3
T. and the Irish reporter
just shows where his mind is all the time, and great diplomat too.
Senate bill would cut 1-in-4 fed dollars spent on Medicaid by 2026. Bigger reduction in covered than House bill. http://wapo.st/2sUsorn

Philip Bump Retweeted Donald J. Trump
u mad
Philip Bump added,
Philip Bump Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Two years ago today.
Philip Bump added,
To assist with this article, I went to Trump’s golf club in the Bronx where I found only Trump-brand hand soap.

More partisan districts would likely see bigger increases in the number of uninsured under the Senate bill.
How sperm whales sleep.
How many people would die from lack of insurance if the Senate bill passed? Nearly 30,000, per one estimate.
When people complain about my tracking when Trump plays golf (twice this weekend!), it’s things like this that make that important.
Trump insists he knows the details of health care policy but offers no evidence that he actually does.
Yesterday, I wrote about how Trump’s leveraging media accountability against it.
Independents' views of the Senate bill mirror Dems, while Trump's base doesn't pay attention.

ProPublica: Trump's rushing a rule to allow more foreign workers in Alaska, Maine (home to key health care senators)
That fake Trump TIME cover? It's also hanging up at Bedminster.
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Kyle Griffin
Guardian: Sekulow instructed fundraisers *this month* to say 'funds are urgently needed to repeal the Affordable Care Act'.
Kyle Griffin added,
NBC News EXCLUSIVE: FBI Interviews Employees of Russia-Linked Cyber Security Firm Kasperky Lab.
Rough numbers for Republican senators going back to their districts for recess.

Kyle Griffin Retweeted David Fahrenthold
7 clubs! The fake Trump TIME cover was hanging up in at least 7 clubs.
Kyle Griffin added,
Bloomberg FLAG: Trump’s lawyers will postpone filing a complaint against James Comey with the DOJ.
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Kyle Griffin
The latest legal threat from Trump that he hasn't followed through on.
Kyle Griffin added,
Kyi Kaung Retweeted Kyle Griffin
Kyi Kaung added,
Only 12% of Americans support the Senate health plan.
53% say Obamacare should be left alone/have problems fixed.
Kyi Kaung Retweeted Kyle Griffin
can't even fake it well, all text T. talk
Kyi Kaung added,
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Sean Spicer
CBO says the number of uninsured would go up to 49,000,000 by 2026 under the Senate health plan. http://bit.ly/2uaqoKZ
Kyle Griffin added,
Trump asked by @EamonJavers if he'll take any actual steps against Amazon after his tweet.
Trump doesn't answer.
"In private conversations on Capitol Hill, Trump is often not taken seriously." http://wapo.st/2t12n9Z

Federal authorities are investigating a breach into the computer systems of at least one U.S. nuclear power plant.
Obama: "So, uh, what’s been going on while I’ve been gone?"
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Saying 'fake news' has a different ring after putting yourself on a fake cover of TIME.
Kyle Griffin added,