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Dear Gwyneth: Your Goop 'energy stickers' are not made with NASA material — NASA - http://goo.gl/news/uSsFC via http://news.google.com
W H uses Trmp tweet in iofficial response to Comey tapes request http://politi.co/2syLaGt via @politico
Jeez now copying pasting T tweets
Trump joins the effort to pass a health-care bill, but another GOP senator is opposed - http://goo.gl/news/tZxNY via http://news.google.com
The Washington Post's Turnaround Shows Amazon's Success Is No Accident - http://goo.gl/news/LJ2UY via http://news.google.com
First lady recruits Trump hotel employee to be White House chief usher
CNN sent sketch artist to W H briefng bc video banned http://read.bi/2s4MEV5 via @bi_politics
There! Maybe they want press to imagine it
North Korean Media Calls Trump A 'Lunatic,' Threatens South Korea; 4 Other Similar Instances