Tuesday, June 27, 2017

More than proof

no change in Burma, at least for better--3 journalists arrested


Among them Lawi Weng of Irrawaddy Magazine.

FYI junta already tortured and killed Ko Par Gyi abt 2 or 3 years ago, and obstructed his wife Ma Nandar as she went to retrieve remains, I learned this from Facebook.  He was in his undershorts and part of his head was missing.

Junta said he was shot while trying to escape.

My compatriot webmaster at Intnl Campaign Burma gave me permission to post there, more than 7 years go, anytime I wish, but I have not posted much as he already does an excellent job.

Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images

Trump withdraws Stefanik's nomination as UN Ambassador.
