Thursday, July 13, 2017

Dear Readers in France--are you going to demonstrate against you know who (DJT) in Paris tomorrow?? Hope you do--

and CONGRATs on your own leader and Mrs. Macron.

After all, Lafayette helped US get its Independence, and right near White House is Lafayette Square.

Lafayette Sq. is a free open space where poets go to read poetry.

In 2013 I read there with Survivors of Torture, sorry I can't find the photos right now.

An organization called DC PAW  (D.C. Poets Against the War) invited me.  There are some people living? there in shacks demonstrating nuclear war permanently.

Lafayette Square figures in one of the novels of David Baldacci, whom I met once when he gave me a prize for Best in Show at the Northern VA University.

And Alexis de Toqueville who wrote about America is another of my heros.

BTW, Marie Antoinette's ear rings are in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC.

For these, she lost her head.  I don't like diamonds due to blood clinging to them, but some people do.

I think Majorie Merriweather Post bought the ear rings and donated them to the Smithsonian.

At the Smithsonian, you can also see Mary Queen of Scots tear drop pearl.  (check on Smithsonian site).

and at Chatsworth, my friend showed me small place where Mary Queen of Scots was held prisoner.

Big estates still exist in England because of the Law of Entail. by which only the eldest son inherits the property, so women have to pretty much marry an heir.

See also the movie Duchess.

Kyi May Kaung
Poetry and Me

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.