Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Reaction to DT Jr--best so far, from Washington Post The Daily 202. Have you noticed, late night comedians talk like political commentators, ordinary folks like comedians. Oo la la

There were distinct camps on the Hill, Monica Hesse and Ben Terris write in a colorful piece for Style: “Democrats, who had oodles of time to talk about the tweets in question, and GOP lawmakers, who had not even heard of the tweets in question, and who is Donald Trump Jr., and what is a Twitter anyway? … Sen. Dianne Feinstein gravely told reporters that the context of the meeting was ‘pretty clear,’ while behind her, Sen. Ted Cruz was shuffling past with his hands clamped on the shoulders of two small children walking in front of him. ‘I’m just trying to have lunch with my daughters,’ he explained. Elsewhere, Sen. Rand Paul had no daughters to lunch with, and so he kept his hand clamped firmly to his cellphone as he strode past … (We are working on the assumption there was a person on the other end of the line.) We are reminded of Winston Churchill: This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, a sign that reality has become untethered from itself and we have fallen into a parallel dimension where there is no beginning or end.”

From Washington Post, The Daily 202, 7-12-2017

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online