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Kermit the Frog Performer and Disney Spar Over an Ugly ‘Muppet’ Firing https://nyti.ms/2usRGjK Too bad, I tend to believe the artist.
Delta tells Ann Coulter she can have her $30 back, but she won't stop raging on Twitter
Cosmo DiNardo Took a Dark Turn Before Bucks County Killings, Friends Say
American scholar convicted in Iran known for his ‘intellectual curiosity,’ professor says
Analysis | Trump and his base live in a bubble where he's popular and all is well
Not Tweet Storm but Real Storm Coincdntly Namd Don | Political News | US News https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-07-17/not-a-tweet-storm-but-a-real-storm-coincidentally-named-don?src=usn_tw …
Nature's revenge "Don" will be small.
The Latest: Graham says McCain sounds strong after surgery
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Premiere: The Bloody Ballad of Arya Stark and Ed Sheeran http://thebea.st/2v8ybdF?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast
Trump officials open border to 15,000 more foreign workers
As White House touts ‘Made in America,’ it seeks to cut office U.S. firms say helps them compete
W H is trying to kill the daily press briefing @CNNPolitics http://cnn.it/2tzqjQd
They do lousy job anyway, but maybe that's objective.
"The wrong president to tout 'Made in America' week"
Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting: https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/07/17/secret-service-rejects-suggestion-it-vetted-trump-sons-meeting/23033588/?a_dgi=aolshare_twitter … via @AOL
UAE orchestrated hacking of Qatari gov. sites, sparking regional upheaval, according to U.S. intelligence officials
Not to mention dictatrs who like him & Euro leaders who don't
This man is a walking disaster who will f up entire country if not the world.
alt facts & disseminating fake news himself.
Ppl who can't face or don't know Truth always end in jam. Just watch approval ratings plummet
I don't think a US Presdt can attack Media, Liberals, entire Intel Community & get away unscathed
Not to mention believing fake news alt
Juan Williams: Trump's war on U.S. intelligence
WikiLeaks recommends Julian Assange to head Trump's 'impenetrable' US-Russia cybersecurity unit
Iran Sentences U.S. Graduate Student to 10 Years on Spying Charges
Trump pra