Monday, July 17, 2017

Tweets, Hurricane, Bucks County murders, Kermit's Voice etc etc 7-17-2017

  1. Kermit the Frog Performer and Disney Spar Over an Ugly ‘Muppet’ Firing Too bad, I tend to believe the artist.
  2. Delta tells Ann Coulter she can have her $30 back, but she won't stop raging on Twitter
  3. Cosmo DiNardo Took a Dark Turn Before Bucks County Killings, Friends Say
  4. American scholar convicted in Iran known for his ‘intellectual curiosity,’ professor says
  5. Analysis | Trump and his base live in a bubble where he's popular and all is well
  6. Not Tweet Storm but Real Storm Coincdntly Namd Don | Political News | US News Nature's revenge "Don" will be small.
  7. The Latest: Graham says McCain sounds strong after surgery
  8. ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Premiere: The Bloody Ballad of Arya Stark and Ed Sheeran via
  9. Trump officials open border to 15,000 more foreign workers
  10. As White House touts ‘Made in America,’ it seeks to cut office U.S. firms say helps them compete
  11. W H is trying to kill the daily press briefing They do lousy job anyway, but maybe that's objective.
  12. "The wrong president to tout 'Made in America' week"
  13. UAE orchestrated hacking of Qatari gov. sites, sparking regional upheaval, according to U.S. intelligence officials
  14. Not to mention dictatrs who like him & Euro leaders who don't This man is a walking disaster who will f up entire country if not the world.
  15. alt facts & disseminating fake news himself. Ppl who can't face or don't know Truth always end in jam. Just watch approval ratings plummet
  16. I don't think a US Presdt can attack Media, Liberals, entire Intel Community & get away unscathed Not to mention believing fake news alt
  17. Juan Williams: Trump's war on U.S. intelligence
  18. WikiLeaks recommends Julian Assange to head Trump's 'impenetrable' US-Russia cybersecurity unit
  19. Iran Sentences U.S. Graduate Student to 10 Years on Spying Charges
  20. Trump pra

NIH reels with fear--future of research projects in jeopardy-- Mark my word, new viruses like Covid will keep evolving-- Th...