Friday, July 21, 2017

DJT ship taking on water, Spicer resigns once Scaramucci brought in

DJT gives mostly garbled intv to NYTs, which he used to call "failing NYTs) Attacks, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller.Andrew MacCabe and wife. Makes odd statements which make no sense, such as "Napoleon's extra curricular activities" "Macron just loves holding my hand" --Late night comedians have a good time. Next week, Kushner in closed session at Senate Judiciary Com, on Monday. Manafort, Don Jr in closed session on Wed. Whew, they must think, thank God it will be closed hearings. T. lawyer Kasowitz phased out. You might have to read all of NYTs, Wapo, LA Times, The Guardian, listen to all of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC and read all of Politico too. I went "on the freedom trail" for the day yesterday, and so now you will just have to follow my Twitter account. Currently, trying to keep up with "my other work." As for Burma, I have shifted focus already, as it was going nowhere. kmkaung 7-21-2017 image fr Internet

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.