Friday, April 06, 2018

Kaung tweets on trade wars--

Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 1m1 minute ago Because he's a bully and all his past success is based on extreme aggressiveness, he thinks he can bully his way through international trade and "no need for diplomacy." Well, other world powers are unlikely to take it lying down. Just like his Mr P. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 3m3 minutes ago Basically, in spite of his "business success" with bankruptcies and alleged mafia ties, he does not understand macro-economics, SAD. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 3m3 minutes ago Doesn't trmpie know that A is already in tremendous debt to China? He may be employing the ultimate distraction from Mueller probe, but everyone will suffer. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 6m6 minutes ago American economy is going to take a big nose dive thanks to Trump's trade wars. Already, America sells primary products like soy beans, pork and beef to China, and airplanes, while China sells A. industrial good, TVs, consumer goods, appliances. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 16m16 minutes ago Investors rattled as Trump considers new $100bn tariffs on China - business live

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