Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Moving poems, my poem Tongues don't have bones--from 1998
Since it's poetry and art and the Burmese junta has not changed, it can be considered "evergreen."
c. 1998.
I enjoyed working with Lisa.
Like most of my collaborative projects, it went very smoothly.
Lisa said she was filming the Burmese "giant puppet" dancers when the lace backdrop fell on them, providing a poetic moment.
It's amazing how young I sounded then.
The Burmese government still denies that there is genocide, despite nearly a million refugees in Bangladesh with more than a million stories of oppression, rape, robbery and murder, I am sure.
And then there are the racists and extreme nationalist who think they own the country.
From my backlist--some things I did, on race and identity, from 2007.
March 13 through Saturday, April 7, 2007
Exhibit titled "Mostly Burmese Mugs" featuring “mostly anonymous, ethnically ambiguous” portraits and ceramics by artist and poet Kyi May Kaung. Provocative captions written by historian Bijan Bayne accompany the artwork explore those questions about race that decorum forbids we ask strangers on the street.
March 16, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Reception for Kyi May Kaung
March 30, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Trunk show of wearable art jackets handmade with Asian fabrics by Kyi May Kaung and modeled by café neighbors and regulars.
April 6, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Dr. Kaung’s Salon: Who is it? Art as a Mirror of Pre-Judgment
With writer and historian Bijan C. Bayne
In our "rush" to judgment, and desire to have a "place" for everything, and for everything a place, we race to identify people. Definitions based on complexion, context, and conception fall apart before the reality that the myriad genes swimming in our respective pools express themselves in more ways than we ever could. Please join us for this discussion, in which our guesses answer as much about our perspectives as they do about the portraits in question.
April 10 through May 5, 2007
Exhibit of collages and mixed media paintings by award-winning artist and beloved local teacher Patricia Zannie
April 27, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Modern Dance and Live Music: 'placeDISplace' choreographed and danced by Gretchen Dunn, with music by contemporary Hungarian composer Balázs Temesvári. Kit Mason, cello.
Gretchen Dunn has been dancing intermittently all her life and wishes to thank Nancy Havlik, Naoko Maeshiba, Ed Tyler, Helen Rea, the Fieldwork, Rudolf Laban, Tzveta Kassabova and Zoltán Nagy.
May 8 through June 4, 2007
Exhibit of photographs of families and children by Emily Desiroth.
“I don’t find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges.”
May 18, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Dr. Kaung’s Salon: Novelist and playwright Leon Levenson to give a talk on the early music of Tin Pan Alley
May 25, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Reception for Emily Deisroth
Posted by Space 7:10 Community Art Spaces at 1:05 PM Links to this post
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tom Block Exhibit at Heliport
" Convergences: Towards a Jewish/Muslim Renewal,"
Featuring the art and thought of Tunisian Muslim artist Karim Chaibi and American artist (and founder of Space 7:10) Tom Block.
Heliport Gallery
8001 Kennett St, Suite 3
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 4-7 PM
Other events in conjunction with the exhibit:
"An Evening with the Diplomats"
February 15, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
State department officers who have served in and thought about the Middle
East over the past 50 years will hold a panel discussion.
"An Evening with the Artists"
March 8, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
"An Evening of Cultural Convergence"
March 22, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
Jewish and Muslim storytelling, dancing and music.
Note: these are Thursday night events at Heliport Gallery, not at Space 7:10
Posted by Space 7:10 Community Art Spaces at 12:46 PM Links to this post
Poets Against War at Busboys and Poets
Date: January 27th
Time: 7-9 pm
Place: Busboys and Poets
DC Poets Against the War will host a reading in the Langston Room at Busboys and Poets with poets Reginald Dwayne Betts, Sarah Browning (who spoke recently at Space 7:10), Esther Iverem, Christi Kramer, Mike Maggio, and more. Join poets from across the country who are speaking out on this day of protest (melissa.dcpaw@gmail.com).
Posted by Space 7:10 Community Art Spaces at 12:03 PM Links to this post
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Kefa Cafe Cover Story in Voice
The current issue of Silver Spring Voice features beautiful photos of Lene and Abeba and the cafe in articles on "third spaces" in communities that help create cool places to live and work. Other local cool town places mentioned include the new Tiramisu Cafe, Mayorga, Tastee Diner, Quarry House Tavern. Space 7:10 is mentioned, too, as a way the owners "give back."
Posted by Space 7:10 Community Art Spaces at 4:16 PM Links to this post
Hurricane Howie Events and Reflection
Tonight: Thurs. 1/11, 9:00 pm: Solo Keyboards @ KRAMERBOOKS CAFÉ
And then: Thurs. 1/18, 9:00 pm: Solo Keyboards @ KRAMERBOOKS CAFÉ
From "Mardi Gras Year Round" Howie Feinstein's year end-beginning letter:
Each year at this time, I like to take stock of how things are going in this rather crazy music business, and pay my respects to all of you, whom I am so dependent on in my quest to make a go of it... The local music community, and many friends and fans, came through very generously with donations of time and funds to aid those victimized by two devastating Louisiana hurricanes and neglected by government. My trip to Louisiana shortly afterward confirmed how desperately your help was needed...
Locally, it continues to be a tough time for live music...I am personally quite fortunate in this regard, because I play solo instruments, and have scrambled to add alternative outlets in place of the old club circuit...On the business side, much appreciation to friends like Dave Eisner (House of Musical Traditions), Amy Kincaid (Kefa Café),everyone at Kramerbooks and Afterwords, the various Sala Thai locations, and others who have supported live music and treated musicians fairly (believe me, the latter is not always the case!)...
Flesh eating bacteria and now brain eating amoeba--
There's also flesh eating bacteria, both fatal.
Dont' swim in the Y pool either.
The way ahead--Dr Maung Zarni's view on Rohingya "problem"
It is a "problem" carefully engineered, planned and executed by the Burmese junta since at least 2011, and it is a junta, even if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is "the opening act", the front woman, and the elected state counselor, because they did not give her the presidency.
Zarni presents a reasonable view for outside intervention. He says a real solution cannot be generated from inside Burma and calls for international governments including Turkey to intervene, as well as for UN intervention.
China says it's a domestic problem.
Of course it would say that.
Running around NY on behalf of most persecuted.
Even if you can't go to NY and walk in rain, you can at least click your mouse and fwd or retweet this.
You won't believe what I have achieved by just one click.
Also how just one factoid, given to me in conversation, while walking in NY, helped me.
This was the first person, a former student, who told me of the 1982 racist Burmese "law." Set from above by 4 men, including dictator Ne Win.
"We just thought 1824 (first Anglo Burmese War, is too far off, so we chose 1886 (3rd Anglo-Burmese War.)"
In my book length poem Shee Monkey goes West, a Pew finalist script, the Jade Emperor looks at a chart to see if the red bottom monkeys are the "right shade."
Don't be an extreme nationalist/racist bigot, evil person who thinks only polka dots or stripes have rights.
Refugees mean they sought refuge--and Burma is supposed to be Buddhist, but maybe the m. country is--it is racist.
In USA--Rape, Abuse, Incest National Hotline numbers.
If you are struggling to process a memory of sexual violence, you can reach out for help by phone to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network at 1-800-656-4673 or over text message to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 (on almost all carriers, these texts are free).
Mass Facebook hack--what to do if you were affected.
best to delete the account.
In general I do not read and do not recommend reading trmp-alligned Fox and Fs "news."
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Grandpa Kitchen--Peri Peri chicken
Use a blender to prepare paste in western kitchens
Burmese Me Too Movement--the defects of people of your own ethnicity.
A 1988 refugee or 2 told me in c 1998 that the illustrations of reproductive parts of medical texts were blocked out and 2 women said they were scared when they menstruated because it had not been explained to them.
One educated woman told me in 1980s in America! that she had never had a gynae exam in her life.
I don't know how she got the scholarship, as men and women needed complete med exams.
Though I think the behavior of the men and women in the medical team was questionable, such as teasing one of the men because they saw he had genital warts.
The "top flight doctors" teased me if I "trusted to leave my husband alone" for so many years to study abroad.
One recently told a relative "why do you wish to go to Singapore (for medical treatment) You're 80 already."
Great bedside manners, wouldn't you say?
Another young man, at that time engaged to my friend, said his Thai friend was "going to buy him a Burmese virgin" and "Thai prostitutes are immune to AIDS."
Don't believe any of that stupid stuff--don't try it "at home."
I did not see many Burmese 1982 -1997 and almost none now 2011--
and I am not sad about it. With the gut wrenching stories came a lot of racism, extreme nationalism and plain old ignorance.
One Burmese med dr. prescribed the wrong medication, causing problems for her patient and I know of at least 2 women about my age who died on acct of mistakes made by doctors, and then there was the sadistic dentist named Pauline Sino-Burmese and so it goes on and on.
The jerk boss in DC asked me if I wanted a Burmese doctor.
I asked where the well known guy was located, he said, "Baltimore" which is about a 2 hour's drive away each way.
Why would I want a Burmese doctor?
Mark Judge's book Wasted now a rare book--
Check your attic for a copy.
He may put out a new edition or write a new book, once he has collaborated with the FBI
Special--living in a greenhouse.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxbX87gxmXQ This one built by students lot of glitches does not look so nice either. But built of recycled materials on a strict budget.
This one is the best: Commercial greenhouse around a summer house, and also its systems are much better.
This article has the best ideas of successful houses--incld "indoor" and outdoor encasing greenhouses.
My problem now is to enclose "art galleries" with controlled light to protect the artwork and lots of wall space.
Also senior-friendly living. Maybe with a private cemetery garden on the grounds.
If you are an artist, engineer or architect, let me know your ideas and provide a rough estimate for 2 small apartments, one studio, one 1 BR, one 2 BR, enclosed in a big commercial greenhouse or greenhouses with a small dip pool.
In the past all my ideas came to be, and I hope this one will too.
These included everything from leaving an oppressive system, to changing an oppressive system to educating myself and my children, to where and how I will live.
There's also the problem of security and privacy if you live in a glass house--not just security from other homo sapiens and animals but also from things like hurricanes, jaguars and wild hogs.
House #2 is in quite safe but very cold Stockholm.
Also don't be "stupid" like the engineer who put electric heating under the floors of his house by a stream.
Think passive heating systems and natural materials.
The guide at Fallingwater told us that if built today, it would cost about 3.5m (and the rooms are very small).
My mother and uncle designed and built her house with cantilever porch/upstairs veranda in Rangoon. She had yellow chrysanthemums in wood boxes flowing down the rails.
Friday, September 28, 2018
PBS newshour 9-28-2018
I used to watch this for decades when I had an old TV but no cable.
MSNBC--Katy Tur--Sen. Blumenthal on Kavanaugh hearing.
There is a troubling pattern.
Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski join Democrats in asking for 1 week FBI investigation into sex abuse allegations--
It's not clear whether they want FBI just to investigate Dr Ford's allegations or that of all 4 accusers of Kavanaugh, incld testimony of corroborating and "hiding" possible witnesses, such a Mark Judge, said to be "hiding in a beach house."
WE HOPE by then, there will be so much dirt on Kava that his Supreme Court nomination will be entirely train wrecked.
4-21 PM
Traditional Indian pot chicken--
In developed world, use slow cooker, high, then low.
Facebook major data breach--HACKED.
As I have said before based on my personal experience (cloned acct), best is to DELETE the g-damned acct. DEACTIVATE won't work.
If you don't know how to do it, get a computer savvy person you trust to help you.
I don't know what FB is good for if they can't even provide basic security.
For me the "benefits" were outweighed by the costs--constant eating up of time, stupid remarks by stupid people, a few good people, one essay collection, a couple or 00 to 000 dollars from donations fr friends (sort of Gofundme)--but negligible book sales and useless ads.
Lots of racists, extreme nationalists, fake accts out there.
The cloned acct was the last straw. I saw a Burmese artist cloned 21 times!
If the co. goes under, it is bc it deserves to.
I want to warn users in developing countries who depend on it a lot.
Also new users who just got hooked.
kavanaugh hearing live--vote delayed till 1.30 PM
Sen. Blumenthal asked for "3d person in the room" Mark Judge, drinking buddy of kava's to be subpoenaed.
repubs tried to rush the vote--Blumenthal and several Democrats walked out.
11.03 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Kava. Hearing Live.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Kavanaugh Hearing live--
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/live-blog-kavanaugh-ford-testify-senate-judiciary-committee-n913556 I'm sorry I cannot watch this live with you in real time, but I have other work related time commitments made before I knew the Hearing was to be on Thursday. The Republicans are hiding behind a "professional prosecutor," but the sex abuse accuser Dr Christian Blasey Ford is not on trial. The Repubs are completely out of line. It's not enough for Kava. to just keep denying anything happened. I think the Kava. "hearing" will be derailed soon, as it ought to be. The small ten minutes I watched just now featured Sen Blumenthal D. making his statement, telling Dr. Ford why he believes her story. So far FOUR women have come forward and they all ask for FBI background checks of Kavanaugh. There are also independent corroborating witnesses. The 4 women victims do not know each other, it seems. But there were other people, esp. Kava's friend Mark Judge who were present at some of these incidents. We need the whole truth to come out. Comedian Bill Cosby is now a prison inmate with a serial #. It's reported to be one tough, rough prison he is in, and it's likely he may die or be killed by another prisoner. Typically other prisoners do not like rapists and sex abusers. At the same time the INDIAN Supreme Court is far ahead of USA. Think about it. They have just ruled for Gay and Lesbian rights and also just ruled "husbands don't own wives" and adultery is not a crime. Think about it. CFN, kmk 9-27-2018
at Thursday, September 27, 2018 No comments: Links to this post
TRMS--9-26-2018: 1, 2, 3, 4 women allege sexual assault by Kavanaugh. Plus there are corroborating witnesses.
But Senate only allows Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to testify, and she will be questioned by a professional prosecutor, who was connected to Joe Arpaio, the AZ sheriff who was pardoned by trmp.
Dr. Blasey Ford has released her opening Statement.
It sounds VERY BAD, for Kava., trmp and GOP.
Michael Avenatti client has also been named.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Artist Jun Kaneko--amazing--
Amazingly versatile and successful.
Sorry abt the poor quality sound, but it's youtube--that's all I can manage.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
My Kyi_nome custom-printed textiles.
Custom printed on demand, unique designs--this works just like Amazon etc POD Print on Demand.
There is a choice of materials at different prices starting from $17.50 a yard (42 inch width) and you can either make up the garment yourself, buy a Spoonflower pattern and/or have them make up something.
I am thinking of custom-printed winter tights.
I base my designs on my own original paintings, or photos I take myself.
Own and wear something no one else has.
I will also be showing my wearable art opera coats and vests at the upcoming Friendship Heights Village Craft Fair, Friday evening Nov 2 and Sat Nov 3, http://friendshipheightsmd.gov/new/village-news/ 301 656 2797 for times and address and details, also other interesting events.
Some of my creations will feature textiles I designed myself, as well as hand-woven Burmese and Asian textiles.
Kyi May
Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images
TRMS 9-24-2018--allegations of gang rapes of drunken women involiving Kavanaugh--3rd woman in process of coming forward.
Avenatti is specific that his client is very credible and has worked at US Mint and other places, which required high level security clearances.
All 3 women now want FBI background checks of the matters, wh. the GOP is denying them.
Why? asks Rachel Maddow.
Important interview--@ Rachel Maddow--Michael Avenatti says he has a client-- a 3rd woman, and corroborating witnesses to a pattern of behavior by Kavanaugh.
Avenatti says he does not traffik in rumors and hearsay, only in facts and his client is credible. He says the corrobrating witnesses are not witnesses to same event, but to a series of events, a pattern of behavior on the part of Kavanaugh and Mark Judge who were "joined at the hip" and essentially preyed on women.
It looks very dark for Kavanaugh, but trmp is still supporting him and he's denying everything on Fox and Friends.
For now, Rosenstein's job seems secure.
Stay tuned.
Monday, September 24, 2018
I Lombardi--
Sorry clips are disjointed and not in serial order.
I still can't find scene in which Giselda holds up blood stained clothes and berates her Crusader uncle.
Sexually abused women demonstrate against Kava. hearing and speak up about their experiences.
WE believe you--he should not be on any court, let alone the Supreme Court.
Withdraw his nomination NOW.
Documentary--Silence of the Quandts (BMW)--Hrald Q was stepson of Goebbels and they benefited from Nazi connection.
Not tried at Nuremburg and still don't admit responsibilty.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Jade vine--
Well, one day.
Meanwhile, I have seen it 2 times in my life. Most recently at NY Botanical Garden. Previous time at my elder uncle U Gyi's house.
Can grow it in Rangoon.
Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images
My article from 2012--Burma--The West should not lift sanctions too soon.
I keep finding them by accident, but at least they "saw the light of day" and RB is a respected blog site.
Thank you.
Kyi May Kaung
Hannah Beech--New Yorker--Fallen Idol.
I think as they wanted ASSK to do everything bf 2012, now they want her to take all the blame, and her attitude and stance are not helping.
Very sad.
I don't know Ms Beech, but in past she has socked the Rohingya too by describing Muslim men with many wives, which their religion allows them.
The son of the oil engineer intved here, was one of those I asked to speak up for his own ppl.
Instead he told me abt his work for AIDS.
But that was not my request. All 5 well placed, well educated Burmese Muslims I approached demurred. One spoke up (Bilal Raschid) but it was too little, too late. One is already dead, having never spoken up her whole life, in spite of her extreme religiosity. She wanted to go home to die in Burma, and she did.
(This must be like a Jew, a victim of the Holocaust, wanting to be a "true German" and going home to die in Berlin.)
So--all the ppl being active advocates now except for a few who are Rohingya themselves, are non-Muslims.
I don't know what to say. But ICC has opened a myanmar Rohingya case.
And the opinions of people like Kenneth Roth, the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, Malala etc will in the end hurt ASSK, even if the opinions don't reflect or understand the bind Daw Suu is in.
I tried to send her messages, but doubt any got to her. My contacts, her close relatives and compatriots themselves seem to have been shunned out also. Ditto with another young lady who was my liaison for the translation I was doing, but I have had to cut off with this woman too, as she was trying to emotionally blackmail me. The translation is not of ASSK's work but other "NLD work.
The Shan woman on the govt appointed commission has shown herself in VOA interviews to be a terrible and misinformed racist, an expert on gems and geology talking of "coming in from Bengal."
The "Bengali talk" and "they came in from Bengal" I first heard in the 1970s in Rangoon. My informant was a self described "regional relative" of Ne Win.
Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images
Saturday, September 22, 2018
"Rape Thread" on my Twitter acct. Some of cartoons may be off color, but I did not draw them just found them on Internet.
Kyi Kaung
8s9 seconds ago
In fact bathrooms restrms at Penn had rape cords inside the stalls, if you pull on them alarm sounds.
I once consulted for security in laundry rooms.
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Kyi Kaung
6m6 minutes ago
Job situatns tricky bc men often hv more power not to say physical strength than women
Be esp mindful of appts in early hr or late hrs--see Patti Dvis below
One elderly prof in Burma used to warn my pretty romantc friend
Anthr older woman waitd in her car until I had drive off
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Kyi Kaung
11m11 minutes ago
This Indian friend who was a filmmaker said as she was walking w a companion, man on a bike grabbed her breast and she ran after him and pulled back his bike.
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Kyi Kaung
12m12 minutes ago
I think job sitns esp tricky w/ men wantgto say it's consensual.
I even saw lot of womanzng at bloody RFA among the bloody Burmese and Asian staff.
Some still there, so Me Too needs to get to these cultures too.
Indian woman, not fr RFA, told me unwelcome touching is common.
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Kyi Kaung
15m15 minutes ago
They esply warned of acquaintance rape & warned to arrive and leave events with others, not walking alone, not opening doors.
An Indian woman was murdered in dorm during Thanksgiving break, Drexel female studt in empty building wh she stayed overnight.
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Kyi Kaung
17m17 minutes ago
It may be bc women/girls not taught to fight bck or how to handle sitn
When I was @ Penn 1982-94 grad school offcl advisors advisd in workshp setting not fighting bck,not risking life,running hands over rapist's body 4 later ID, not taking wash or shower bf reporting.
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Kyi Kaung
26m26 minutes ago
Just because she didn't report it, doesn't mean it didn't happen
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Kyi Kaung
27m27 minutes ago
Trump's callous tweet about Kavanaugh accuser sparks Senate turmoil https://nyp.st/2O01uv3 via @nypost
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Kyi Kaung
30m30 minutes ago
Ronald Reagan's Daughter, Supporting Kavanaugh Accuser, Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted
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Kyi Kaung
34m34 minutes ago
NPR on Rosenstein matter--
Blockchain, Augur and "assassination markets" bet with cryptocurrency on assassination of public figures.
They are still unregulated.
Never heard of them before.
Friday, September 21, 2018
TRMS--9-21-2018--Chuck Grassley gives Kava. accuser an artificial deadline + Rod Rosenstein--will trmp fire him??
The bottom line is trmp and co are more and more rattled.
Another op ed that never ran--from 9-4-2018
Asylee from Burma: Kavanaugh Hearing, Woodward Book, Amazon.
Kyi May Kaung holds a doctorate from the University of PA in Political Economy, studies dictators and worked in academia, international broadcasting and for the Burmese democratic government in exile.
Today has been a very interesting day for me, as they say.
A refugee from Burma, because I sought and was granted refuge here in the USA, after I obtained graduate degrees in America and my ideas became too democratic for me to be safe in junta-controlled Burma, I have been paying particular attention to American politics since Nov. 2016, and the shock of the Trump win in the electoral college.
I always found American politics fascinating, as when I read in Burma, in Time Magazine, about the missing section of tape erased by Rosemary Woods during the Watergate scandal.
All those names were very familiar to me, even though Time Magazine was the only reading material I had. There was no TV and no radio.
Once in America, it was so strange and exciting to see Barbara Walters stick up her finger and chide Reagan for exceeding his time. “Mr. Reagan, you’ve done it again.”
If she were in Burma, she’d be arrested as soon as she stepped off the stage.
Famous Burmese comic Zarganar or pincers had a joke, “They say I have no teeth. They were broken when I was beaten in prison. But I do have teeth—look!”
And he’d take off his dentures and show the audience.
So today, I almost went to my dentist on the wrong day, but I happened to call her assistant because my over-dentures were hurting when I tried to put them in, and the assistant told me I had the wrong day.
So I checked the news.
Then I got online and watched the Kavanaugh Hearing live.
My favorite Sen. Blumenthal was on, then Cory Booker, then Ms. Hirono in an acqua blue jacket, then Ms. Kamala Harris.
When the Republicans were talking about what a good father Kavanaugh was, I went to the other room and ate, or I took a nap, or I went to the bathroom, or I did some blogging and tweeting.
I deleted my Facebook account in 2016, because an exact clone of me appeared, and I got scared. Also, I did not like the way Mark Zuckerberg evaded questions during his Hearing.
I revived my LinkedIn account again, to recover some email addresses which I lost in the big Yahoo hack.
I got back to tweeting, because Trump tweets and like him, I like to make one-way comments and on Twitter, they can’t really answer back to your face. But I never follow Trump or Trumpies, in fact have blocked him to see if I could. I can.
At the Hearing, everything the Democrats said made sense.
What are the Republican’s hiding?
How can anyone read or review 42,000 documents which only finished downloading at 6 AM this morning, and the Hearing starts at 10 AM.
Now as a senior citizen, it takes me at least one hour to get ready to go out.
Why did the GOP spend 57 days reviewing the documents?
Clearly, they are trying to delay, then push the Supreme Court nomination through in time for the midterms and to “help” Trump if he is impeached.
I don’t want Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice.
I have any number of stories about botched abortions and infanticides, especially in villages in Burma. One servant girl from a family I knew, went home, got pregnant and died because there was an abortion which involved the midwife jumping on her belly. I can still see her face, she was stout and strong. We called her Ah Sein Gyi, Big Diamond, because the other Diamond was small.
Another story was about a woman who was raped maybe while working as a porter on the Burma-Thai cross-border black market trade. This woman, I was told, had a red haired baby, but exposed it and let it die.
If you stop legal abortions, illegal ones will appear, and they will be lethal.
I don’t like how Kavanaugh ruled for finding a sponsor for the 17 year old immigrant who was already pregnant, so more time would pass and she would no longer be able to get a legal abortion. Glad he was overruled.
Don’t like his other views either.
Woodward book Fear and transcript of phone call with Trump:
Quite clear Kellyanne and Trump are giving Woodward the usual run-around.
Trump must be afraid, after all, Amazon today passed the one trillion dollar mark, and everyone knows, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.
If I were you, I’d run out and buy Washington Post, Amazon and New York Times stock pronto.
From Sept 3, 2018--Kyi May Kaung--Asylee from Burma--why we needed this week of tears.
An Asylee from Burma: Why we needed this Week of Tears.
By Kyi May Kaung, (Ph.D.)
If Senator John McCain and Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin has not existed already and had not lived their good, full lives, we would have had to invent them.
Because this era of d. j. t., intentionally spelled without caps, is leaving a bad feeling in our mouths.
I have however, written his initials with periods or full stops, because I would like his “era” to come to a full stop, one way or the other, but it needs to stop.
One spliced photo on Twitter showed McCain on one side with the caption Hero, while trmp on other (intentionally spelled without caps and a vowel—rhymes with “shrimp”) has the caption Zero under it.
How very appropriate.
What is less than Zero? Of course negative numbers.
That man is a negation in all senses of the word, maybe negative 100%.
A vacuum.
A nonentity.
He’s often been characterized as full of bombast: “This space here (pointing to his chest) which is empty” (by James Comey in an interview) and generally operating out of fear which causes him to be excessively boastful and needy of affirmation, even as he does and says spiteful things.
This week of tears has hopefully washed it all away.
The daily distractions, the “look at this, look at that,” “What about Hillary’s emails?”
“Look what I’m doing meeting Kim, look what I’m doing meeting Putin.”
Well, what about all of them?
The endless strutting about.
Nothing will come of nothing, as Shakespeare wrote Cordelia saying in King Lear.
How d.j.t. must be spinning in his early grave of a bed, as McCain lay in state in Phoenix AZ, as well as the Capital Rotunda, as Joe Biden, Meghan McCain, Lieberman, President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama made beautiful and TRUE speeches, and Renee Fleming sang Oh Danny Boy in the National Cathedral, as McCain was mourned by his loving wife and family and his mother, as he was laid to rest in Annapolis by the Blue Angels flying in Missing Man formation, with the boom from breaking the sound barrier coming massively after, as his coffin was placed on a caisson drawn by black horses; as Aretha got three or four open casket viewings, dressed to the nines with Lamboutin high heels, similarly distinguished and sincere eulogies, a popular singer in a short skirt, a fleet of pink Cadillacs, and large bouquets of matching pink and mauve roses.
How he must have wished to be both McCain and Franklin.
But he will never be.
How he thought of the military parade he so wanted.
he will never be loved and mourned as Aretha Franklin and John McCain have been.
He’ll be erased quickly from human memory.
Like one inconsequential, nonsensical, bilious, vile tweet.
I come originally from Rangoon, Burma, still under a military dictatorship despite having had three elections since 1990, and having democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi as “State Counselor” with no real power.
So it’s really a fake or faux democracy.
Others and I warned as much when I helped Columbia University convene a panel in 2012 on the Rohingya in Burma.
The Burmese junta was even as we spoke preparing its planned genocide or military operation and psychological warfare against the Rohingya, a subset of Burmese Muslims living in Western Burma, which they insist on calling “Bengali” which implies, and the junta and its apologists also say it explicitly, that they came in from Bengal or Bangladesh, whereas in truth they were always there, since at least the tenth century, and as Nobel Laureate economist A. K. Sen said on our 2012 panel, in truth the borders were drawn between them, by the British in the late 19th century.
Prof. Sen himself is of Bengali origin, lived in Mandalay, Burma, as a child before his parents left Burma.
Great Britain colonized Burma in three big chunks, after three Anglo-Burmese Wars, the first one in 1824-26, and the last in 1885.
The first war was the one which decided the present-day borderline between Bangladesh and Burma, at the Naaf River.
Since the 1970s, the junta then under the father of all the dictators, Ne Win, engaged in disinformation and what it itself openly called psychological warfare.
I lived in Rangoon through 1967 and the anti-Chinese riots , and due to eye witness accounts provided to me every evening through an Inner Party Member cadre of the BSPP party who lived in the back cottage of my mother’s house, I believe the riots were instigated by junta agents in mufti.
The things such as alleged rapes of Buddhist women by Muslims in 2012 smacked strongly of manufacture by the MIS or Military Intelligence Service, as well as photos of an undamaged gold necklace allegedly destroyed by a Muslim goldsmith by running it across an assay stone. So how come the victim knew to take a photo of the necklace before it was allegedly broken? I haven’t seen any photos of the broken necklace.
The junta employed many people for psycho warfare including a well-known fiction writer.
I came to the USA for graduate studies because I applied for and received a Fulbright Scholarship without knowing it was a Fulbright.
Things were so paranoid that the seven of us were told not to go to the US Embassy to study for our TOEFL exams. (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language.)
I became eligible to apply because the professor of economics at that time removed the upper age bar of forty, because he wanted his relative, my nemesis, to be eligible.
This man got left behind “by one preposition.”
After the exam, the man’s wife came to check with me whether the correct answer was “behind the door, under the table.”
When I told her it was, she left crestfallen.
The first group of candidates were told not to apply again, as they failed their language tests.
The candidate for Transportation Economics was going to come to me for English language lessons.
Besides three tests of English, including the Georgetown Test, there were medical tests and tests on subject matter.
Ne Win had cut off relations with America when he staged his coup in 1962.
As a result, I later found out, all the Fulbright fellowships which would have come to Burmese went to Chinese students.
I met several Chinese exchange students while I was at Penn, and met one at Merrill Lynch in 1987, in one of the World Trade Towers in New York, which was later blown up on 9/11/2001.
These Chinese scholars went back, most to high level positions in Beijing.
In 1982, when the seven of us Fulbright awardees came to the USA, Ne Win opened the door a crack because his favorite daughter Sandar Win failed her entrance exams for medical school in London due to her poor English.
We were seven out of a population of 68 million.
One economist, one person from the commerce department, one statistician, two historians, one geographer, one engineer. We were all over forty as we “waited” those twenty years. The engineer had to return to Burma due to a heart condition a few months after we arrived in the USA.
Sandar Win’s Wikipedia page used to call her “dictator gynecologist” but the label has since been removed.
During that time, in Rangoon, there was a spate of English language “clinics” to correct people’s English pronunciation.
I happen to have good English as my father was sent to boarding school at Taunton when he was young, and then went back again for his MA from London University, which he received in 1929.
Due to having spent so many years there, he spoke English at home.
Besides that, my parents were in England for three years and English was the first language I learned.
I still think in English, and maybe I dream in it, and after a very bad experience at a Burmese language radio station in D.C. 1997-2001, I am seriously thinking of giving up Burmese for good.
It won’t harm me.
Several of my mentors have already done so.
My father used to read poetry to me, T.S. Eliot, A.E. Houseman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Dylan Thomas when he got back from work as a senior official at the Education Ministry and was stressed out by daily fights with the education minister, no doubt of a political nature.
He was avidly interested in the world and in Burmese politics, but I was between the ages of ten and twelve, not even a teenager yet, and all I can remember was him saying, “Pretty soon politics will be so dirty good people will not like to engage in it.”
He wanted him and me to write a book of political questions and answers, “You ask the questions, and I will answer,” just like Indira Gandhi’s book with her father Pandit Nehru, but I had lived a very protected life, and hardly knew what politics was.
I was unable to think of a single question.
The book never came to be.
He died when I was thirteen and he fifty two.
In 1962, Ne Win staged his coup in the early morning hours of March 2, now celebrated as Tatmadaw Ne, or Mother Army Day.
My sister’s classmate Saw Myee, son of Saw Shwe Thaike, the Sawbwa (Chieftain) of Nyaungshwe or Yawngwe , the biggest Shan State, was shot point blank as he grabbed a ceremonial sword off the wall and aimed it at the soldiers who came to arrest his father.
Then followed mass nationalizations, people becoming poor overnight, lots of deaths, our friends leaving, for India, Hong Kong, China, Iran, Australia etc., usually on one way tickets and with C. of I. or Certificates of Identity, typed sheets of paper with photos attached, not proper passports.
One classmate of mine, an Indo-Burman woman, got in the newspapers because she tried to smuggle out her own jewelry in a handbag with a false bottom, but eventually managed to leave.
This sort of thing continued into the 1970s and early 1980s.
We went up country and saw marble Buddhas all with their heads hacked off for export via the black market.
As everything was scarce in Burma, every yard of cloth, things like rubber flip flops, folding umbrellas, instant noodles, birth control pills, came in on the backs of porters from the Burma-Thai border in the southeast.
There were endless stories, such as that of a woman with thirty yards of fabric wound around her body, jumping off the Moulmein train to avoid the customs inspectors, falling into the Sittang River and drowning.
Many more stories like these have come from the border, some working themselves into the footnotes of my Ph.D. dissertation at Penn, and finally into my short fiction.
By the mid-1970s, most of my colleagues at the Institute of Economics had left. Those with Western post-graduate degrees found it a bit easier maybe to get teaching positions overseas.
Some left without firm job offers, even as U.N. volunteers in African countries.
I began to see that something was very wrong, so I applied for that scholarship, and fortunately got it.
I had lived in Burma between the ages of seven and forty.
For twenty years it was under the socialist system of the military dictatorship.
For eight months in 1968-69 I studied for a diploma in economic planning in Warsaw, Poland, and that was another experience in the dead of winter.
In Czechoslovakia, Alexander Dubcek had just tried to reform during what came to be called the Prague Spring, but had been forced to resign by the Warsaw Pact invasion of August 1968.
We (my sister and I) arrived on separate scholarships in Warsaw in the autumn of 1968.
There we found SGPiS (now called SGH) the Warsaw School of Economics had just purged its Jewish professors such as Michal Kalecki.
When the 1968 Polish political crisis unfolded, Kalecki retired in protest against the wave of antisemitic dismissals and firings that affected many of his colleagues.
The single graduate student who dared to befriend us told us that Kalecki’s graduate students at the time were left in limbo. He died in 1970.
So I have experience of living under socialism in Burma as well as in Poland.
Socialist economic planning does not come out in neat little equations like the way another Polish professor indicated on the blackboard.
In reality, things were quite scarce.
The school cafeteria had a big basket of one type of rye bread only, that no one could eat, still every day there was the same amount in the cradle-sized basket, maybe because the bakery had a production quota set in weight.
I asked what they did with the old bread.
They told me it went for pig food.
Poland was still on coal and we were glad we moved to the dorm, rather than staying in rooms in a house where we were originally assigned, which was in the suburbs. We shared a dorm room, and used the communal kitchen and the communal bathroom.
In the mornings, men came to the pavement and shoveled coal into furnaces on the ground floor.
One day the snow fell, drifting down against a red brick wall in big white flakes. I was enchanted and could not concentrate on the lecture. The lectures were all in English.
I graduated first in class, writing on the problems in Burmese economic planning.
Poles were kind and helpful, maybe because they had to help each other under an oppressive government.
Imitating the Russian language teacher Ms. Vinogradova who had taught us Russian in Rangoon, to prepare us for Poland, my sister and I each bought one red and one yellow sweater, and wore those daily. My Polish friend called us the bedronki or lady-birds.
Polish women are not so large, but they are beautiful, but in the government department store believe it or not, there was only one very large blue coat for a seven foot woman. Probably the coat factory had its targets set by monetary value of output. So they made a small number of very large expensive coats.
Finally, our new Polish friend Elsbieta took us across the Vistula River to the black market full of plump, short, little old women in red folk scarves, and finally I got my winter coat, which I wore till Spring in May.
In America, I was twenty years out of date on arrival, and so had to take refresher courses in economics in Boulder, Colorado.
I’ve been in love with liberal Boulder ever since.
In 1988, when the country-wide pro-democracy demonstrations broke out all over Burma, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, I told my childhood friend Yasmeen who was going to Wharton, “If anything happens to her, I am going to do politics.”
Well, she got arrested the first time in 1990, but won the elections despite being under house arrest.
Unknown even to my friends and family, reading about economic planning in the Soviet Union in the stacks at van Pelt Library on the University of Pennsylvania campus, I had checked out the books on someone else’s carrel and then started to read to the left and right of the Russian ascension numbers.
It was a lovely experience, like having a secret lover named Political Science in the library stacks.
In Burma we could not study Pol. Sci. and it consisted of only Marxism and one text book.
I started with Charles Lindblom’s Politics and Markets, and now have two copies, as I thought I was going to move and packed one copy, then could not find it and bought another, but it is worth it.
When I got to the Burma books, the accordion-style folding shelves had been folded together for so long, it felt James Bondish as I put my finger on the button and the shelves of brittle paper books folded out. The university had consulted with an architect to see if the floors of van Pelt could hold the weight of all the books, and had installed the accordion shelves when the answer came back in the affirmative.
When the Burma book shelves got to about six inches from my sides, they stopped, even though my imagination did not and I saw myself squashed to death, blood seeping out of the closed shelves.
Eventually, in 1994 I was able to complete my dissertation and get my degree.
But I thought I was weary of teaching and wanted to do something for the democracy movement in Burma, so for three years I did the job I got, writing and analyzing for a Burmese language radio station on M. St. in Washington, D.C.
But I was subjected to job harassment by the section head, whom I think was undercover working for the Burmese junta.
After that period in hell, I worked with the D.C.-based Burmese Democratic Government in Exile (National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma) as a Senior Analyst.
The last thing I did for them in six months in 2008-09 was a twenty page executive summary, A Plan for Democracy and Development in Burma. This plan is published in the appendix of my memoir, A Time to Write, Not Just About Burma.
I wrote the economics section and simplified the academic papers the other contributors sent me.
I am glad in the light of what is happening now with the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh that I successfully resisted the points the non-Burmese sub-contractor wanted to put in, about repatriating refugees.
I wrote that no one should be sent back to Burma until the situation normalizes.
In 2012 the Exile Government lost its funding and is now defunct.
I say “the dissidents have all become dinosaurs” and have disappeared.
I can’t even get people together to organize a reunion dinner for old times’ sake.
The 2016 election results threw me for a loop because I was certain Mrs. Clinton would win.
I hadn’t paid any attention to Trump and, now in shock and ashamed of my complacency as regards America while I focused on Burma, I had to do major research to catch up on Mr. T.
It is a daily activity, ongoing.
I find that his behavior and reliance on executive orders (direct orders) is very like the original Burmese dictator Ne Win.
Pronounced “Nay Win” which means Bright Sun.
The womanizing, the “I know everything stance”.
Ne Win once called the Burmese-English dictionary being compiled by uncrowned national laureate poet U Wun a. k. a. Minthuwun “half-baked bread” even though he himself had only about five years of education and was a postal clerk.
Minthuwun was the father of Peter Wun (Htin Kyaw), Aung San Suu Kyi’s long time deputy and bodyguard head and now the nominal president.
Trump may have spent 25% of his time in office golfing , but Ne Win did “better”—actually beating up a man who spat on his wife Kitty’s shoulder at a formal reception, and hitting someone ahead of him on the golf course with a golf club.
The late Dr. Louis Wallinsky, who lived in D.C., told me during a radio interview that he witnessed Ne Win box the driver of the car which pulled up silently, surprising Ne Win who was bent over near a low railing, tying his shoelaces in front of the Rangoon Golf Club in the 1950s.
You know, dictators don’t like silent, unexpected approaches from behind.
During the major demonetization of 1964 , Ne Win’s Chin guards kept their fingers on the triggers of their rifles when I and other university staff were on the stage of the Convocation Hall, helping with punch cards.
I was afraid to sneeze.
I was so relieved when he left and his guards left with him.
His economic advisor, Soviet-trained U Ba Nyein, then came up onto the stage, walking unsteadily, his deputy produced a bottle of whiskey hidden in their umbrella, someone found two glasses and they took a shot each.
The deputy later married one of my nieces.
In the 1950s, Wallinsky was economic advisor to the democratically elected P.M. U Nu –
the religious “Mr. Tender.” Wallinsky was in the car with a Fulbright scholar, American, and he told me he had to restrain his friend from intervening as he recognized the strongman, who was then head of the Burmese Army.
In conclusion, I want to say as Trump is “zero” we need Heroes—
We need to find and emulate our Heroes, and stop letting T’s tweets swing us this way and that like dumb oxen.
Right now it looks as if just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned, well, Mr. T. tweets.
We have to save ourselves and our children and grandchildren, our democracy, our culture, our values, our institutions from the intentionally set bonfire.
Be vigilant.
Kyi May Kaung holds four degrees, a BA and an MA in Economics from Rangoon University and an MA in City Planning and a Ph.D. in Political Economy from the University of Pennsylvania. She lives in the Greater DC Area and paints and writes full time now.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Mary Poppins will come at X'mas
make Disney richer, but we all need a little magic in our lives.
Pete Souza--magnificent photographer--glad he joined WH and documented Obamas--
and also that Obamas and WH allowed him to publish his work is wonderful.
Unlike stupid rfa where I once worked.
From July--Scaramucci on CNN--did not see Roe v Wade overturned--
did not seem to see trmp nominating Kava. bc he's only one who is against indicting a sitting presdt.
Repubs shld stop protecting a criminal--at least an indicted co-conspirator.
There are a raft of things trmp has violated, fr emoluments clause to money laundering to sex abuse to climate denial, child separation border wall etc etc.
He's a blight on the face of America--and then there's the Russia collusion and hair brained "foreign policies" and China trade war.
Kava. nomination and sexual abuse accusations--Grassley and Hatch are lying--trying to prevent FBI looking into it, wh, they did in Anita Hill's allegations in 1991
Rachel Maddow is on point in her reasoning.
What are Repubs trying so desperately to hide and why would Dr Ford ask FBI to investigate if she had just made up the story of the (alleged) rape.
We hope Kava. won't get confirmed as Thomas was.
Women are demonstrating.
Elaborate Ponzi scheme based in Dallas, TX.
Be careful, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images
Chua Tiger Mom advised students on how to dress for interviews with Kavanaugh--
More and more coming to light, and d j t even being "respectful" which means the cocksure is losing ground.
When did the a- hole not strut around and boast.
Why we should eat more beans and less meat--the cruelty of factory farms.
When Florence hit North Carolina
I read of the 100s of pigs and 000s of chickens killed and "how to clean up the animal waste" i e dead animals.
One commentator wrote: I don't know why they just didn't open the doors so the animals could fend for themselves. When I was young, we did this. They always came back to roost."
I thought then, maybe they are all in cages and so genetically engineered they can's stand up, let alone walk or fly.
Well, this article shows why.
I've seen footage of workers thrashing turkeys, holding them by their legs.
Of turkeys so fat they break their legs, or sheep with so much wool they fall over if one side is sheared first, as it always is.
I got to this article by Googling, after reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle online. It's about the meat packing industry.
The Dalai Lama says, "At least eat less meat. Too many people treat meat like a vegetable."
And now we know even plants can feel pain.
I am not a religious fundamentalist nor a textual person who prays and washes her feet 5 times a day. Nor do I believe the future savior will come out of a well.
The Buddha, (previously Prince Siddhartha in an important city state in Nn India, like many ancient Indians, ate meat.
After his adult life of walking all over Nn India and preaching, he died at age 80 of diarrhea,brought on by eating either pork curry or truffles--the confusion is due to conflicting translations of ancient Maghadi, the language of his city state Maghada.
When I wrote this in one of my Burmese radio pieces, my "editor" a man supposed to be very learned in Burmese literature, said, "But that's the language of animals, Sayamagyi."
No, it's not. It's a written language, just like Jesus spoke Aramaic.
So anyway, I found the Rolling Stone article because I wish to write about a monk, a veteran of the Saffron Revolution, who gained asylum in 2007, but then had to disrobe for economic reasons and work in a chicken factory.
But as I am writing it as fiction, I don't need any real names of anything, in fact, I already have the name of the main character in my head.
-I live near a subway station and a bus bay, and I often see buses go by with ads on their sides for art exhibitions and plays and movies.
The ad for the movie Lincoln was in the station itself. There was an ad for the artist Ralph Stegman who
illustrated Orwell's Animal Farm.
There was an ad not to eat pork showing piglets in cages.
Due to Hurricane Florence and continuous rain,I ate all the food stores I had and was down to one can of beans when the sun came out enough to go grocery shopping.
There weren't that many supplies,compared to a normal day, but still a lot compared to say,a bazaar in Burma.
I bought a big tray of chicken thighs --10 of them for 6 $$.
That's 60 cents per piece, and they were each the size of a small pigeon or Burmese chicken.
They were covered by a thick skin of yellow fat, which I read once are created by feeding the chickens marigold petals. Method invented by Perdue. No one asked if chickens like marigold petals.
In Thailand the male Burmese refugee students in camps developed breasts due to eating the chicken tails.
So we need to be animal as well as human rights activists and advocates.
"At least eat less meat."
Kyi May Kaung.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
trmp's terrible work and non-work habits--
A far cry from the discipline, intelligence and dedication of Presdt Obama.
Besides that, no memory, no to do list, superstitious, no plan, impulsive, rude.
No redeeming features whatsoever.
Repeats things he hears others say that sound clever to him.
Air head, EVIL, really.
Likes pretty women. Omarosa said this too.
trmp owns a golf club in Lake Norman, NC, I thought so--
He also thanked his own Repubs, for what I don't know, wanted Lindsey Graham to sit at the table.
First class weirdo, let's see what he actually does.
the mel--3000 $$ coat in warm weather indoors.
I noticed the coat too, but thought it had denim collars, did not know it was wool.
STRANGE wife of STRANGE "very stable genius man."
trmp looked extra disheveled today too in NC.
Long Day's Journey into Night--
I've seen both at the Quotidien Theatre in the Writers Center, on Walsh Street, D.C.
From Anita Hill wiki--9-19-2018--worth reading and keeping--
Clarence Thomas controversy
Further information: Clarence Thomas Supreme Court nomination
In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal Circuit Judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[11] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year.[12] There had been little organized opposition to Thomas's nomination, and his confirmation seemed assured[12] until a report of a private interview of Hill by the FBI was leaked to the press.[11][13] The hearings were then reopened, and Hill was called to publicly testify.[11][13] Hill said in the October 1991 televised hearings that Thomas had sexually harassed her while he was her supervisor at the Department of Education and the EEOC. When questioned on why she followed Thomas to the second job after he had already allegedly harassed her, she said working in a reputable position within the civil rights field had been her ambition. The position was appealing enough to inhibit her from going back into private practice with her previous firm. She only realized later in her life that this ambitious venture was a poor judgment and also explained that "at that time, it appeared that the sexual overtures ... had ended."[5][14]
According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[5][7] "He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes," she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described "his own sexual prowess" and the details of his anatomy.[5] Hill also recounted an instance in which Thomas examined a can of Coke on his desk and asked, "Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?"[5] During court session, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch implied that "Hill was working in tandem with 'slick lawyers' and interest groups bent on destroying Thomas' chances to join the court." Thomas said he considered Hill a friend whom he had helped at every turn, so when accusations of harassment came from her they were particularly hurtful and he said, "I lost the belief that if I did my best, all would work out."
Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[13][15] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Democrat Joe Biden.[16] According to Time magazine, one of the witnesses, Angela Wright, may not have been considered credible on the issue of sexual harassment because she had been fired from the EEOC by Thomas.[15]
Hill agreed to take a polygraph test. While senators and other authorities noted that polygraph results cannot be relied upon and are inadmissible in courts, Hill's results did support her statements.[17] Thomas did not take a polygraph test. He made a vehement and complete denial, saying that he was being subjected to a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks" by white liberals who were seeking to block a black conservative from taking a seat on the Supreme Court.[18][19] After extensive debate, the United States Senate confirmed Thomas to the Supreme Court by a vote of 52–48, the narrowest margin since the 19th century.[15][20]
Thomas' supporters questioned Hill's credibility, claiming she was delusional or had been spurned, leading her to seek revenge.[13] They cited the time delay of ten years between the alleged behavior by Thomas and Hill's accusations, and noted that Hill had followed Thomas to a second job and later had personal contacts with Thomas, including giving him a ride to an airport—behavior which they said would be inexplicable if Hill's allegations were true.[7][9][13][21] Hill countered that she had come forward because she felt an obligation to share information on the character and actions of a person who was being considered for the Supreme Court.[13] She testified that after leaving the EEOC, she had had two "inconsequential" phone conversations with Thomas, and had seen him personally on two occasions, once to get a job reference and the second time when he made a public appearance in Oklahoma where she was teaching.[5]
Doubts about the veracity of Hill's 1991 testimony persisted long after Thomas took his seat on the Court. They were furthered by American Spectator writer David Brock in his 1993 book The Real Anita Hill,[15] though he later recanted the claims he had made, described in his book as "character assassination," and apologized to Hill.[22][23] After interviewing a number of women who alleged that Thomas had frequently subjected them to sexually explicit remarks, Wall Street Journal reporters Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson wrote a book which concluded that Thomas had lied during his confirmation process.[20][24] Richard Lacayo in his 1994 review of the book for Time magazine remarked, however, that "Their book doesn't quite nail that conclusion."[15] In 2007, Kevin Merida, a coauthor of another book on Thomas, remarked that what happened between Thomas and Hill was "ultimately unknowable" by others, but that it was clear that "one of them lied, period."[25][26] Writing in 2007, Neil Lewis of The New York Times remarked that, "To this day, each side in the epic he-said, she-said dispute has its unmovable believers."[27]
In 2007, Thomas published his autobiography, My Grandfather's Son, in which he revisited the controversy, calling Hill his "most traitorous adversary" and saying that pro-choice liberals, who feared that he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if he were seated on the Supreme Court, used the scandal against him.[27] He described Hill as touchy and apt to overreact, and her work at the EEOC as mediocre.[27][28] He acknowledged that three other former EEOC employees had backed Hill's story, but said they had all left the agency on bad terms.[28] He also wrote that Hill "was a left-winger who'd never expressed any religious sentiments whatsoever ... and the only reason why she'd held a job in the Reagan administration was because I'd given it to her."[29] Hill denied the accusations in an op-ed in The New York Times saying she would not "stand by silently and allow [Justice Thomas], in his anger, to reinvent me."[2][30]
In October 2010, Thomas's wife Virginia, a conservative activist, left a voicemail at Hill's office asking that Hill apologize for her 1991 testimony. Hill initially believed the call was a hoax and referred the matter to the Brandeis University campus police who alerted the FBI.[19][31] After being informed that the call was indeed from Virginia Thomas, Hill told the media that she did not believe the message was meant to be conciliatory and said, "I testified truthfully about my experience and I stand by that testimony."[19] Virginia Thomas responded that the call had been intended as an "olive branch".[19]
Shortly after the Thomas confirmation hearings, President George H. W. Bush dropped his opposition to a bill that gave harassment victims the right to seek federal damage awards, back pay and reinstatement, and the law was passed by Congress.[32][33] One year later, harassment complaints filed with the EEOC were up 50 percent and public opinion had shifted in Hill's favor.[33] Private companies also started training programs to deter sexual harassment.[32] When journalist Cinny Kennard asked Hill in 1991 if she would testify against Thomas all over again, Hill answered, "I'm not sure if I could have lived with myself if I had answered those questions any differently."[34]
The manner in which the all-male Senate Judiciary Committee challenged and dismissed Hill's accusations of sexual harassment angered women politicians and lawyers.[35] According to D.C. Congressional Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, Hill's treatment by the panel also said to be a contributing factor to the large number of women elected to Congress in 1992, "women clearly went to the polls with the notion in mind that you had to have more women in Congress," she said.[2] In their anthology, All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, but Some of Us Are Brave, editors Gloria T. Hull, Patricia Bell-Scott, and Barbara Smith described black feminists mobilizing "a remarkable national response to the Anita Hill–Clarence Thomas controversy.[36]
More Clarence Thomas from wiki--not good, if Kava. confirmed, he will join Gorsuch and Thomas--
Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American judge, lawyer, and government official who currently serves as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He is currently the most senior justice on the Court following the retirement of Anthony Kennedy. Thomas succeeded Thurgood Marshall and is the second African American to serve on the court. Among the current members of the Court, he is the longest-serving justice, with a tenure of 9,828 days (26 years, 331 days) as of September 19, 2018.
Thomas grew up in Savannah, Georgia
Quote of the day from Clarence Thomas wiki--not good.
Since joining the court, Thomas has taken a textualist approach, seeking to uphold the original meaning of the United States Constitution and statutes. He is also, along with fellow justice Neil Gorsuch, an advocate of natural law jurisprudence. Thomas is generally viewed as the most conservative member of the court.[1][2][3] Thomas is also known for almost never speaking during oral arguments.[4]
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Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use
for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025