Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hannah Beech--New Yorker--Fallen Idol. I think as they wanted ASSK to do everything bf 2012, now they want her to take all the blame, and her attitude and stance are not helping. Very sad. I don't know Ms Beech, but in past she has socked the Rohingya too by describing Muslim men with many wives, which their religion allows them. The son of the oil engineer intved here, was one of those I asked to speak up for his own ppl. Instead he told me abt his work for AIDS. But that was not my request. All 5 well placed, well educated Burmese Muslims I approached demurred. One spoke up (Bilal Raschid) but it was too little, too late. One is already dead, having never spoken up her whole life, in spite of her extreme religiosity. She wanted to go home to die in Burma, and she did. (This must be like a Jew, a victim of the Holocaust, wanting to be a "true German" and going home to die in Berlin.) So--all the ppl being active advocates now except for a few who are Rohingya themselves, are non-Muslims. I don't know what to say. But ICC has opened a myanmar Rohingya case. And the opinions of people like Kenneth Roth, the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, Malala etc will in the end hurt ASSK, even if the opinions don't reflect or understand the bind Daw Suu is in. I tried to send her messages, but doubt any got to her. My contacts, her close relatives and compatriots themselves seem to have been shunned out also. Ditto with another young lady who was my liaison for the translation I was doing, but I have had to cut off with this woman too, as she was trying to emotionally blackmail me. The translation is not of ASSK's work but other "NLD work. The Shan woman on the govt appointed commission has shown herself in VOA interviews to be a terrible and misinformed racist, an expert on gems and geology talking of "coming in from Bengal." The "Bengali talk" and "they came in from Bengal" I first heard in the 1970s in Rangoon. My informant was a self described "regional relative" of Ne Win. km Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.