Sunday, September 30, 2018

Moving poems, my poem Tongues don't have bones--from 1998 Since it's poetry and art and the Burmese junta has not changed, it can be considered "evergreen." c. 1998. I enjoyed working with Lisa. Like most of my collaborative projects, it went very smoothly. Lisa said she was filming the Burmese "giant puppet" dancers when the lace backdrop fell on them, providing a poetic moment. It's amazing how young I sounded then. kmk 9-30-2018
The Burmese government still denies that there is genocide, despite nearly a million refugees in Bangladesh with more than a million stories of oppression, rape, robbery and murder, I am sure. And then there are the racists and extreme nationalist who think they own the country. kmk 9-30-2018

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online