Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
"Rape Thread" on my Twitter acct. Some of cartoons may be off color, but I did not draw them just found them on Internet.
Kyi Kaung
8s9 seconds ago
In fact bathrooms restrms at Penn had rape cords inside the stalls, if you pull on them alarm sounds.
I once consulted for security in laundry rooms.
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Kyi Kaung
6m6 minutes ago
Job situatns tricky bc men often hv more power not to say physical strength than women
Be esp mindful of appts in early hr or late hrs--see Patti Dvis below
One elderly prof in Burma used to warn my pretty romantc friend
Anthr older woman waitd in her car until I had drive off
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Kyi Kaung
11m11 minutes ago
This Indian friend who was a filmmaker said as she was walking w a companion, man on a bike grabbed her breast and she ran after him and pulled back his bike.
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Kyi Kaung
12m12 minutes ago
I think job sitns esp tricky w/ men wantgto say it's consensual.
I even saw lot of womanzng at bloody RFA among the bloody Burmese and Asian staff.
Some still there, so Me Too needs to get to these cultures too.
Indian woman, not fr RFA, told me unwelcome touching is common.
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Kyi Kaung
15m15 minutes ago
They esply warned of acquaintance rape & warned to arrive and leave events with others, not walking alone, not opening doors.
An Indian woman was murdered in dorm during Thanksgiving break, Drexel female studt in empty building wh she stayed overnight.
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Kyi Kaung
17m17 minutes ago
It may be bc women/girls not taught to fight bck or how to handle sitn
When I was @ Penn 1982-94 grad school offcl advisors advisd in workshp setting not fighting bck,not risking life,running hands over rapist's body 4 later ID, not taking wash or shower bf reporting.
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Kyi Kaung
26m26 minutes ago
Just because she didn't report it, doesn't mean it didn't happen
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Kyi Kaung
27m27 minutes ago
Trump's callous tweet about Kavanaugh accuser sparks Senate turmoil https://nyp.st/2O01uv3 via @nypost
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Kyi Kaung
30m30 minutes ago
Ronald Reagan's Daughter, Supporting Kavanaugh Accuser, Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted
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Kyi Kaung
34m34 minutes ago
Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online