Thursday, February 28, 2019

Israel's Attorney General moves to indict Netanyahu on corruption charges.

Here is Steve Bell's Trump & Kim cartoon from The Guardian

see link above--I mean below.  :)

Two shitters cartoon Kim and Trump

Clarification of the embrace cartoon--

It's Xi and Trump and the trade war, not Kim and Trump.


I am battling 3 eye conditions and the thumbnails are small.

N. Korea summit ends abruptly with no deal, millions in taxpayer money WASTED.

Netanyahu faces corruption charges.

US economy did not grow as promised by DJT

trmp sides with Kim Jung Un over death of Otto Warmbier--

On making collages--

Afghan Women's Writing Project.

My article from 2012, argung for systemic reform in Burma--still true

It's like a major patron of Burma once joked, "We should have a letter head that says 'Crisis in Burma'.  There's always a crisis."



The Rachel Maddow Show--Today's (2-27-2019) big news day, Cohen Hearing +

cartoons all from Internet

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

U On Pe--Modern Burmese Literature, 1958

U On Pe--Modern Burmese Literature, 1958

The only Burmese literature class I took in my entire life, in my first year of college at Rangoon University, pretty much covered all these writers, but not all.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Democracy Now--James Earl Jones reads as Frederick Douglas.

Link to my new novel Wolf: Buy it HERE.

Happy tweets ref my new novel Wolf: A Novel of Love and Betrayal. Read tweet style from bottom up.

  1. 28 seconds ago
    I'm glad I wrote this novel. Everything is to my satisfaction. Photos later.
  2. so I started to read my novel & was as delighted w it as when I read the other wonderful novels that I read. I thought this day would never come, but it has Now I just have to sell the book
  3. Today t proof copy of my novel Wolf came in t mail There were 2 envelopes I thought the fat one was novel by Scott Momaday tht was not delivered on snowy day & thin one was my novel But turned out to be the REVERSE

From 2012, CNN: Tsar Putin.

Mueller in filing calls Manafort a "hardened criminal."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

My novel Wolf: A Novel of Love and Betrayal, is out as Kindle e book and paper back on Amazon.

A university student in Rangoon, Burma (now called Yangon, Myanmar) during the great 1988 Revolution (a year before Tiananmen) is fleeing from the dreaded MI or Military Intelligence, when a girl driving a white Mercedes brakes to a halt and tells him to get in the back seat. From this start, Mothi Awegoke (his name means August Hailstorm) lives a strange life fighting the junta on the Burma-Thai Border and traveling the world on a fake Burmese passport, advocating Democracy. Follow him to the great capitals of the world and their slums. Meet the men and women in his life. Live through demonetization, when money is declared no longer legal tender, the anti-Chinese riots, the great 1988 upheaval. See the Decay that is Burma. A bit like China, a bit like Russia, a bit like Cambodia, this novel will make you laugh and cry.

Painting Copyright KM Kaung

I now have a blog devoted entirely to my art work. Do visit. Buy some art at reasonable prices.

India--toxic moonshine kills 94+

94 dead +

In Burma, bananas made to ripen with a chemical bath, don't know what, crispies fried with plastic bottles, things like rubber slippers/flipflops put in taw ah yet "jungle alchohol" and lephet unbelievably dirty.  Most street food very dirty.

Country that controls HRs but no FDA at all. 

Also don't put "thanakha" sandalwood paste (canned variety) on yr own skin--instead buy a branch of thanakha and grind it yourself on kyaukpyin stone,


Friday, February 22, 2019

Pelosi in Laredo TX to block Trump's emergency declaration.

First Americans--documentary.

Paleo Indians first Folsom and Clovis points in Colorado

The Kushan Empire-- a bit difficult to read due to the Chinese names--but worth looking at.

I now have a new blog devoted entirely to my visual art and looks like I should create one for my books too--ah well.

Joan Baez sings We Shall Overcome. Gear up, rest up, next week will be a DEFINING MOMENT. 2-22-2019

The famous Milinda Panha--Questions of Greek king Menander.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Nice video--pet chicken in Mumbai slaughtered and eaten.

Burmese military warns of amending constitution--from Irrawaddy

King of the Dump at Mar a Lago--

Home grown terrorist/white supremacist--(not from South of Border) arrested in Silver Spring, MD. Silver Spring is where I used to go 2004-9 for my arts salon. It is rather edgy and there's a Burmese restaurant and a gun store. 2-20-2019

Mueller Report can be expected as soon as next week.

My novel Wolf is now on Booklife, Publishers Weekly.

On my novel Wolf--congratulatory message from Moethee Zun (from 2014, when I was all ready to publish)

Congratulatory message from Moethee Zun--1988 Burmese student leader-- Congratulatory message from Moethee Zun 1988 Burmese student leader-- "Sayama! You really did it. You wrote and published all your books. I am so happy for you." About 2 days ago. 6-20-2014 This was lying in my other Burma blog and i only saw it now.

Graphic novel Monstress--

Tom Engelhardt--The United States of War, 2011

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Anniversary of my father Sithu U Kaung's death.

Anniversary of my father Sithu U Kaung’s death
I could not find a direct reference, but only this, written by my brother, who was also awarded the "Sithu" title, at first confusing me. He did put together a collection of essays in English and Burmese by our father's colleagues and friends in 2004. That was a good thing. Our father was DPI or Director of Public Instruction, and also (first) Chairman of the Burma Historical Commission. He died in Calcutta where he was sent by (democratically elected) PM U Nu, on what I consider one of the world's useless missions. I checked with a friend who is about 7 years older than I, and she said yes, the student who died Harry Tan (was shot) when the students rioted due to leaked exam questions on the 7th standard (grade) exams. I only remember this hazily, as I was taking the exam myself, and my father and the driver came to fetch me at (one of the exam centers), after U Nu made the announcement that all would be passed. Of course my father as an Education Ministry official had nothing to do with the security forces. A few days before, I remember him telling us he could not leave his office near Jubilee Hall because the students surrounded them. Burmese call this the soon gyi laung, or "big feast charity." In any case, U Nu sent my father to Calcutta to have the exam questions printed there. He/they chose Calcutta because my father had had his poetry anthology, Poetry for Pleasure published there, and he knew the editor. Incidentally, Poetry for Pleasure was used for some time in Indian schools as a text book, and my mother always spoke of the royalities she received. Of course now the English poetry sounds very dated. My father was sitting in the passenger seat and his UN friend (name expunged from our collective memory) was driving. Dr. Everton, former US Ambassador to Burma during the JFK presidency, told me that it was "really dark" driving in Calcutta during a black out during World War II It was late at night and they may have been out--and it was before seat belts. The driver was held back by the steering wheel, but my father went through the windscreen and they were discovered in the morning, and my father was hospitalized. The driver, a white man, walked away from the scene. Father survived about one week, during which my mother and his (step) nephew U Ba Aye were able to go to Calcutta. In 2014 I briefly "met" on Facebook, one of the sons of the Burmese embassy official in Calcutta who helped her/them. This was before the 1962 Ne Win coup, so the officials helped rather than harassed. U Nu sent a special plane to bring home the remains. My cousin Mongoose told me in 2016 that he remembered the Yawngwe Sawbwa coming to the funeral. It was my mother's strange "luck" that 2 of her loved ones, father and husband, died away from home, in strange cities and she was helped by friends. After the funeral, I remember going with my mother to thank the embassy family. When I was taking creative writing courses at Bethesda Writers Center a few years ago, well known writing teacher Robert Bausch said "writing requires a heavy dose of irony" and I can't think of anything more ironic than a pointless and premature death like that. I'm glad I am writing this now, as I could not find a wiki article. I started writing and talking about my father about 10 years ago when someone asked (maybe on Facebook 5 years ago) if he was the fish sauce millionaire, U Pwint Kaung. My mother was also asked this in the 1960s, and she was quite annoyed. So there you have it. I also came by my command of English and love of reading, painting and music, through my father. Around 2003, NLD Daw San San came to DC from Thailand, and she asked for 2 books. Poetry for Pleasure and Maurice Collis' She was a Queen, set in 10th century Bagan. I could only take her in the rain on a cold day to see the cherry blossoms and treat her to coffee. She said she'd lived with her brother Thakin Tha Khin in the house next door (I remember that) and she insisted she heard loud crying when my father died. I told her "There's no one in my family who would cry out loud like that," though I do remember when someone brought the bad news and my brother and I opened the front door. Our sister was only 10 then and I was 13 and my elder brother was 19 or 20. My father's friends such as the Gore-Booths arranged for a scholarship for him to study librarianship in England. I'll post this on my blog, For the rest, you have to wait for my autobiographical novel Once, or a memoir if I get around to it. Once starts with my parents (fictional versions) waiting out the war in the Shan States, where the Yawngwe Sawbwa looked after them and about 40 other families. It is in The White Umbrella by Patricia Elliot. I ended it before my father’s death, as it got too painful to write. Here is a review I just wrote for The White Umbrella--look for it on Amazon. Review: KMK 2-19-2019

Mark Kelly, retired astronaut, says "space force" is a dumb idea--well most of trmp's "ideas" are dumb or destructive.

The Forgiven--script.

Trailer, Forest Whitaker as Bishop Tutu in The Forgiven.

Burmese-Americans--wiki article

Chinese embroidery overview video--
Images, embroidery I made(flowers)+ commissioned machine embroidery. Images copyright Kaung. Rather long but covers 4 different schools and styles. I like the Miao folk embroidery the best. km

Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign raises more the $1m in less than 4 hours.

Flynn tried to "transfer" (sell?), nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia If it wasn't an outright sale, trmpies certainly expected kickbacks. Their name wld not be "trump" if they didn't. That's their Modus Operandi (MO) It may turn out one day that Pretty Face kush "advised" the killer prince to get rid of Jamal Kashoggi. After all, trmp hates Bezos and Wash Post and JK worked for Wapo. Stay tuned, the plot thickens. 2-19-2019

All images from Internet

Andrew McCabe's book, out today. Forthright, well written and truthful. It's coming out at a time when his and the FBI's and the country's concerns about an ill qualified and evil so-called prez are coming forcefully to the fore again. Nero fiddles/golfs while DC burns-- 2-19-2019

The heat is on against d j t

Monday, February 18, 2019

16 states to sue trump over use of emergency powers.

Activists in DC demonstrate.

The extreme pettyness of donald j trump-- Chewed out Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe on phone, because James Comey was allowed to return on FBI plane after he learned on TV, that he had been fired. d j t is a crook, a coward, a sadist, racist, sexist,who should be impeached. 2-18-2019

Gupta-Brahmi script
Origin of Bengali, Burmese, Tibetan etc. You will notice the sounds and # of alphabets co-incide with Burmese, Which is what my Tibetan friend told me ages ago. After the Chinese invasion, her husband, as a child, the re-incarnation of a lama was forced to hunt and fish, she told me. When the Dalai Lama came, I heard him say to my friend, "So you're the one with the Chinese accent." I don't remember the name of the author, and the book may be in a box somewhere, but Red Poppy, is an excellent novel about Tibet written by a Tibetan in Mandarin. Of course I read it in its English translation. I wish I had learned Mandarin while I was still on the Fulbright scholarship. Prof. Levine asked me about it. But then even my cousin who got to be fluent, passed away maybe a decade ago. Maybe we should say Insha Allah, or its the will of God. Except Buddhists have no God. km 2-18-2019

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Native American performance artist James Luna To date I've seen about 3 art performances by Htein Lin in DeKalb and in Helsinki. I know what people who don't understand art will say--"Interesting" which means "I am so stupid I don't get this." So I am sending just to annoy people. but it is a legitimate way to say something. Ai Wei Wei made the 'snake" from school bags of children killed in earthquake due to shoddy construction. I think these are brilliant as well as brave people who "do something." Ai Wei Wei has had wonderful exhibits at Alcatraz etc. I also met one performance artist in Chiangmai, but I did not see his performance, only heard abt it from others. Before I saw their performances, I had never heard the term "performance art" before, nor had I heard terms like "post modern" I missed one as I had a bad case of the runs.

You can't go wrong watching MSNBC, so watch it.

My novel Wolf now in paperback and e edition on Amazon--

Amy Carmichael on Gutenberg Project--1906 book about temple-related prostitution in India.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Genghis Khan--documentary

Bipartisan attack on trump's "national emergency" declaration--"The national emergency is Trump."

trmp reaches deal, a lot less than he demanded but still saying will declare national emergency

Andrew McCabe's 60 Minutes interview.

Quote of the day from wikipedia: This was what Ilhan Omar was refering to in the Hearing--

His nomination to Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs was unanimously approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on November 17, 1981.[9] Abrams was Reagan's second choice for the position; his first nominee, Ernest W. Lefever, had been rejected by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on June 5, 1981.[9] During his time in the post, Abrams clashed regularly with church groups and human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch.[10] According to an article in The Washington Post, in a 1984 appearance on the program Nightline, Abrams clashed with Aryeh Neier,[11] the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch[12] and with the leader of Amnesty International, over the Reagan administration's foreign policies. They accused him of covering up atrocities committed by the military forces of U.S.-backed governments, including those in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, and the rebel Contras in Nicaragua. Guatemala As Assistant Secretary of State, Abrams advocated for aid to Guatemala under then dictator Efrain Rios Montt. Montt came to power via a coup in 1982, overcoming the forces of left-wing strongman General Fernando Romeo Lucas García. Thirty years later, Montt was found guilty of overseeing a campaign of mass murder and torture of indigenous people in Guatemala. Montt, who claimed he had no operational control of the forces involved, was convicted of genocide against the Maya-Ixil population.[13] El Salvador In early 1982, when reports of the El Mozote massacre of hundreds of civilians by the military in El Salvador began appearing in U.S. media, Abrams told a Senate committee that the reports of hundreds of deaths at El Mozote "were not credible," and that "it appears to be an incident that is at least being significantly misused, at the very best, by the guerrillas."[14] The massacre had come at a time when the Reagan administration was attempting to bolster the human rights image of the Salvadoran military. Abrams implied that reports of a massacre were simply FMLN propaganda and denounced U.S. investigative reports of the massacre as misleading. In March 1993, the Salvadoran Truth Commission reported that over 500 civilians were "deliberately and systematically" executed in El Mozote in December 1981 by forces affiliated with the Salvadoran government.[15] Also in 1993, documentation emerged suggesting that some Reagan administration officials could have known about El Mozote and other human rights violations from the beginning.[16] However, in July 1993, an investigation commissioned by Clinton secretary of state Warren Christopher into the State department's "activities and conduct" with regard to human rights in El Salvador during the Reagan years found that, despite U.S. funding of the Salvadoran government that committed the massacre at El Mozote, individual U.S. personnel "performed creditably and occasionally with personal bravery in advancing human rights in El Salvador."[17] An unrepentant Abrams claimed that Washington's policy in El Salvador was a "fabulous achievement."[18] Nicaragua See also: Nicaragua v. United States When Congress shut down funding for the Contras' efforts to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government with the 1982 Boland Amendment, members of the Reagan administration began looking for other avenues for funding the group.[19] Congress opened a couple of such avenues when it modified the Boland Amendment for fiscal year 1986 by approving $27 million in direct aid to the Contras and allowing the administration to legally solicit funds for the Contras from foreign governments.[20] Neither the direct aid, nor any foreign contributions, could be used to purchase weapons.[20] Guided by the new provisions of the modified Boland Amendment, Abrams flew to London in August 1986 and met secretly with Bruneian defense minister General Ibnu to solicit a $10-million contribution from the Sultan of Brunei.[21][22] Ultimately, the Contras never received this money because a clerical error in Oliver North's office (a mistyped account number) sent the Bruneian money to the wrong Swiss bank account.[21] Iran-Contra affair and convictions During investigation of the Iran-Contra Affair, Lawrence Walsh, the Independent Counsel tasked with investigating the case, prepared multiple felony counts against Abrams but never indicted him.[21] Instead, Abrams cooperated with Walsh and entered into a plea agreement in which he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress.[23] He was sentenced to a $50 fine, probation for two years, and 100 hours of community service. Abrams was pardoned by President George H. W. Bush in December 1992.[24] Special Assistant to President Bush President George W. Bush appointed Abrams to the post of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations at the National Security Council on June 25, 2001.[25] Abrams was appointed special assistant to the President and the NSC's senior director for Near East and North African Affairs on December 2, 2002.[26] Human rights groups and commentators expressed disquiet over his White House appointment owing to his disreputable conduct and conviction in the Iran–Contra affair investigation and his role in overseeing the Reagan administration's foreign policy in Latin America.[27][28] In this capacity, Abrams played an important role in U.S.–Israel relations. In an unannounced visit to Ariel Sharon in Rome in 2003, Abrams was the first member of the U.S. government to discover that Israel planned to pull out of Gaza. Abrams was also witness to the growing tension between the two governments on account of the U.S. effort to find a comprehensive peace settlement. Abrams said: "What was not in the newspapers is the tension that is growing between the U.S. and Israel over this. Because we are constantly asking in my view for Israeli concessions, to kind of oil this mechanism of peace. And the Israelis are getting tired of it. And they think, you know, this is not the way an ally should act. Bush is kind of above this with the Prime Minister, so this is really Condi with the Israeli cabinet and the Prime Minister."[29] The London Observer said that Abrams had advance knowledge of, and "gave a nod to," the Venezuelan coup attempt of 2002 against Hugo Chávez.[30] Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy Abrams participates in a

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mongol movie Aravt (unit of ten) This seems more fictional. I haven't watched the whole movie, but at least the scenery is beautiful. 2-13-2019

Secret History of the Mongols. Difficult read, I recommend Paul Kahn's version km 2-13-2019

Sergei Bodrov, movie Genghis 2007 Story is a bit changed from ancient Secret History of the Mongols.

CNN--Democrats gave away too much on the wall deal.

FactBase trump daily calendar as announced by WH--KEEP this link on file. For instance, yesterday he got back at 3 something PM and then nothing on calendar. 2-13-2019

Former Intelligence Agent charged with spying for Iran.

Ilhan Omar lashes back at trump--"You trafficked in hate yr whole life."

Movie Vice (about Dick Cheney) screenplay by Adam McKay--educational use only.

Calamondin oranges--

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Praise for K M Kaung's Wolf: A Novel of Love and Betrayal.

My Amazon Review of Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit--scroll down to comments section.

My artwork on sale on my website--contact me.
Warning, Copyright Kyi May Kaung 12x24" Oil on canvas

From I Lombardi--

Aida with Luciano Pavarotti

Jascha Heifetz--

USA National Debt tops 22 trlllion for the first time.

McConnell presses Trump on border deal.

Drug lord El Chapo sentenced to life in prison.

CA to scale back 77 b bullet train.

Cliff Sims, former WH staff, sues trmp

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Sotu--audience chants "We will vote." Must scare the sh** out of orange clown, 2-6-2019

El Paso sheriff puts out statement blaming trmp for false narrative (ie LIES) ref crime in El Paso and wall.

Maria Butina boyfriend indicted on fraud, 11 counts.

New Mexico governor pulls National Guard from border, citing trmp's charade.

How to live a rich good life--

How To Live a Rich Life Without Lots of Money - Lifehack Here are a few ways you can live a rich life without lots of money. Learn to accept yourself. It can be hard for you to understand that money should be not a top priority. Become creative. Stay authentic. Do what you love. Stay gentle. Become generous. Build relationships. ‎What Exactly is Personal ... · ‎How It Leads to Financial ... · ‎When to Use Personal ...

Food--NPR--green jackfruit not yet the new coconut water.

I would totally have believed it was pulled pork, but maybe that's because I don't eat pork so I have no expectations. I thought the dish was chewy in a good way and very flavorful. I brought some into work and asked people to sample and weigh in. "It tastes and looks like meat," said a guy who described his palate as "not very discerning." NPR I've seen the green j fruit in cans in Asian groceries for donkey's years, but since I really didn't like it in Burma when it was fresh, never bought over here. BTW, the seeds are tasty boiled or roasted, somewhat like chestnuts. I had a nice green j fruit salad in Bali, SE Asian style, a few hours after I got off the plane. My ex sis in law used to make green j fruit curry. J fruit on whole is rather indigestible, and I felt sick after eating one $5 slice of ripe J fruit about 2 years ago, so I have stopped eating or craving it. Was just a closure sort of thing, and I've had my "closure" from about a dozen trips to Thailand, Singapore and Bali 2001-2010, where I got all the tropical fruit I remembered. There were the wild vegetables, edible flowers, and leaves too. Like noni (ywet yoe ywet) leaves. Or the flower buds mare-za-lee buds soup. After a while the memory may be better than the reality. I think of my mother and my elder uncle craving things like croissants and apples in Burma, which they knew from the Colonial period, and not being able to have them due to the socialist economy. It's all in my novel Wolf wh I am bringing out soon. km 2-6-2019

sotu Jekyl and Hyde speech by trmp

Investigation--more indictments possible.

sound of silence at sotu the investigation damn well will continue. 2-6-2019

trmp loses narrative. It wasn't a "joke"--it was attempt to chide Members of Congress like little girls. 2-6-2019

trmp namesake falls asleep during sotu

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Best sci fi--

1909 foiled Taft Diaz assassination attempt in El Paso TX and Taft's restraint.

Femicide in Honduras--Nightline

Burma ranks #5 by numbers of refugees fleeing, due to the Rohingya Genocide.

Globe and Mail Portugal tour with leading journalists. all you need is money. km

Venezuela--Hell of a Fiesta

Court documents--cartel kingpin El Chapo raped girls as young as 13.

Burmese tea house children--embedded video. see upper RHS of site. I sometimes post on this site as I was given permission by webmaster about 10 years ago. I met Tim once in NY in 2012. Here is picture of me with Tim, 3rd fr L, Nobel Laureate AK Sen next to him and 2 other scholars at Columbia Univ. To donate to his organization, go through Al Jazeera. Tim's grandfather or great grandfather was a Mr Hardy. I am very glad he is doing this.
with AK Sen NY Rohingya Confce etc 9-14-2012 559.JPG km

9 men in ICE detention being force fed.

19 year old neuroscience student found frozen to death. Wearing inadequate clothing, was taking a shortcut. Pl teach children to wear proper clothing in winter and stay indoors and safe, and don't drive too much in bad weather. How to call 911. Symptoms of heat stroke as well as hypothermia. Walking on ice on ponds is also dangerous. Take care

Power (including light), heat failure in Brooklyn spark protests--during Polar Vortex--meanwhile trmp and entire family in FA vacationing at taxpayer expense.

Ohio shooting--deputy killed, one wlounded, in trying to help a suicidal person.

My short story Black Belt in Himal Southasia

Another death to possibly lay at trmp's door--TSA office jumped off balcony.

Unforgiveable--ICE confirms it's force-feeding refugees on hunger strike.

donald trump jy will be indicted, says prosecutor--and will --

trmp compared to toddler--

Quote of the day--from The New Yorker.

Even as condescension toward genre fiction has gone out of style, the universes of literary and speculative fiction remain distinct, with their own awards, their own publishers, and their own separate, albeit overlapping, communities of readers. “There are a lot of literary-fiction authors whose heads are super stuck up their asses,” James said, telling the attendees that writers ought to read widely across genres.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Quote of the day--from Jack London--Call of the Wild.

But Buck possessed a quality that made for greatness—imagination. He fought by instinct, but he could fight by head as well. He rushed, as though attempting the old shoulder trick, but at the last instant swept low to the snow and in. His teeth closed on Spitz's left fore leg. There was a crunch of breaking bone, and the white dog faced him on three legs. Thrice he tried to knock him over, then repeated the trick and broke the right fore leg. Despite the pain and helplessness, Spitz struggled madly to keep up. He saw the silent circle, with gleaming eyes, lolling tongues, and silvery breaths drifting upward, closing in upon him as he had seen similar circles close in upon beaten antagonists in the past. Only this time he was the one who was beaten.

Quote of the day-coping with blindness.

Mary: Are you still keeping a diary? John: No—well, my secretary keeps an appointment diary. (laughs) I'm busy doing my work. Remember blindness is only a hobby, my sideline. My main work is writing, teaching, contributing to research and running committees at the Queen's Foundation. (Editor's note: The Queen's Foundation is an ecumenical institution, training women and men for ministries within the Church of England, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church.) I also continue doing speaking engagements although I don't travel extensively. I used to travel by myself all the world, just me and my cane, taking a person's elbow at train platforms etc. But I'm 77 years old now and don't venture as far. I lecture about theology and church life, and general life issues as well as blindness. Recently, I gave a talk on loss and was invited to speak at a symposium on the blind experience of time. Mary: We are lucky then that you have no plans to retire.

Better link, Reuters, Rohingya Genocide.

Reuters has a special section on imprisoned Burmese reporters--

Immigrants' rights lawyers and journalists denied entry into Mexico.

Pompeo announced suspension of nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Brazil dam collapse video--graphic

The whining, repetitive mr trmp

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.