Thursday, November 28, 2024

Burmese-born economist Dr HlaMyint

AI Overview Learn more The most prominent economist from colonial Burma is Hla Myint, recognized as a pioneer in development economics, particularly for his emphasis on export-oriented growth as a key driver of economic development. Key points about Hla Myint: Area of Expertise: Development economics and welfare economics Notable Contribution: Highlighting the importance of export-oriented strategies for economic growth Context: His work largely focused on the economic situation of Burma during British colonial rule. British rule in Burma - Wikipedia British colonial rule in Burma lasted from 1824 to 1948, from the successive three Anglo-Burmese wars through the creation of Burm... Wikipedia Hla Myint - Wikipedia Hla Myint (Burmese: လှမြင့် [l̥a̰ mjɪ̰ɰ̃]; 1920 – 9 March 2017) was a Burmese economist noted as one of the pioneers of development econom... Wikipedia Burma - The World Factbook - CIA Britain conquered Burma over a period extending from the 1820s to the 1880s and administered it as a province of India until 1937, CIA (.gov) Show all Generative AI is experimental. Remembering Hla Myint, Myanmar's greatest economist Frontier Myanmar › remembering-hla-m... Apr 3, 2017 — IN A life spanning Myanmar's colonial past, the country's first experiment in democracy, the decades of military rule, and the coming again of democracy, U Hla Myint was an intellectual figure of truly global standing. An economist whose ideas formed the theoretical basis for the policies of Asia's “ ... Hla Myint Wikipedia › wiki › Hla_Myint Hla Myint was a Burmese economist noted as one of the pioneers of development economics as well as for his contributions to welfare economics. He stressed, long before it became popular, the importance of export-orientation as the most useful "engine of growth". Hla Myint. Hla Myint in 1985. Born, 1920 (1920). Burma's Turn by Joseph E. Stiglitz Project Syndicate › commentary › bur... Mar 6, 2012 — Political change in Myanmar has been numbingly slow for a half-century, but a new leadership is trying to embrace rapid transition from within. But now the country is being held back by the international sanctions that were imposed before its leaders turned away from authoritarianism and isolation. Sayagyi and Sage: Hla Myint, Myanmar's "Classical" Econom jstor › stable › pdf by S Turnell · 2014 · Cited by 2 — Burmese economists have been unusually prominent contributors to the evolution of economic thought. Looming over all of them, however, is Hla Myint. An intellectual pioneer in the study of economic development, trade and ... 30 pages Missing: famous ‎| Show results with: famous The World-Renowned Myanmar Economist, or Dr. Hla Myint › the-world-reno... Jul 2, 2024 — So, the strongly nationalist government viewed Dr. Hla Myint's economic policy as similar to colonial-era economic policy. In reality, Professor Dr. Hla Myint's policy was a free market economic policy. Colonialism and the Economic System of an jstor › stable by A Fenichel · 1975 · Cited by 17 — The purpose of this paper is to use the development of the three sectors in Burma under British rule as an example to illustrate the relevance of this type of analysis for understanding the eSect of colonialism on post-colonial economic systems. In addition, some comparisons and contrasts of the Burmese experience with ... Missing: famous ‎| Show results with: famous British rule in Burma Wikipedia › wiki › British_rule_in_Burma
British colonial rule in Burma lasted from 1824 to 1948, from the successive three Anglo-Burmese wars through the creation of Burma as a province of British India
The Best Books on Understanding the Burmese Economy
Five Books › ... › Myanmar (Formerly Burma)
Dec 1, 2010 — 1. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David S Landes 2. The Curse of Independence by Shelby Tucker 3. The Coins and Banknotes of Burma by M Robinson and L Shaw
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Myanmar - Colonialism, Exploitation, Resistance Britannica › ... › Countries of the World
The colonial economy. Under the monarchy, the economy of Myanmar had been one of redistribution, a concept embedded in local society, religion, and politics.
The Colonial Era (1885-1948) - Religion and Public Life
Religion and Public Life at Harvard Divinity School › country-profiles › myanmar
The arrival of British colonial policy in Burma fundamentally undermined this system, and is at the heart of contemporary intercommunal and interreligious violence. By undercutting Burmese political and religious authority, the British marginalized the Burman community while granting ethnic minorities access to power.
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