Thursday, November 28, 2024

David Foster Wallace reads-- Consider the Lobster--highly recommended--for us self-declared Buddhists--really.
1970s--My husband and I took a Danish business friend of his to dinner at Kwanlok--a famous Rangoon Restaurant.
On the way up, we saw 3 or 4 pink little piglets in a cage on the sidewalk.
During dinner there was a piercing stream. The Dane turned completely white.
Since then I have not eaten suckling pig.
The scream was like a human scream? that I heard at noon, from my apartment on Chestnut Street in W. Philadelphia.
I thought someone would report it--and a police car would come, but none did. *
My mother's cook used to kill the crabs by sticking a knife point into the heart-shaped piece of shell in the middle of their chests.
My Christian Tamil friends said their countrymen and women were "like crabs, scrambling over each other to get on top, and all being boiled alive anyway."
I wonder what Ed Yong, author of An Immense World and I Contain Multitudes would think of this.
I don't know much about David Foster Wallace, and I don't read that many articles or essays--but this is superb--and his voice is so soft but compelling.
In one of the writing groups and also on one app? my writing was compared to David Foster Wallace's. Of course, that's a compliment.
Here is the complete text of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle--about the Chicago meat industry and refugees.
It's very painful to read. I stopped at the point where the family had to send their little boy to stick labels on cans of meat.
Kyi May Kaung
11-28-2024 --

NBC--Nightly News 3-2-2025