Tuesday, November 26, 2024

From 2 new Burma/Myanmar experts--from Jan. Burma requires new mandala system--

A mandala or mandala power system is power radiating out from the center-with no exact boundary lines--like traditional/feudal city states--
vs nation states as we know them since the 19th century.
A mandala system/model would reflect better conditions on the ground--
plus--see today's Irrawaddy--Thai ask for UWSA to withdraw from Thai territory near Tachilek
TNLA asking for peace talks.
Burma is rapidly sliding into Balkanization with warlords everywhere--which my late pol. sci advisor Henry Teune predicted would happen (in the world)--
Teune was a systems expert, as I am now--not a "Burma expert."
I went to find him as my dissertatin chairman around 1987 when I was starting preparing for my Comps or Comprehensive exams--which I did in 1987 after my son, an engineering student, joined me in Philadelphia.
In the City Planning department at Penn where I was, registered Ph.D.candidates looked for their own advisors, and designed their own field exams so there were a total of 4 advisors and 3 field exams. different but connected to the dissertation topic.
Mine were:
Ph.D.Chair--Herbert Levine--Soviet expert.
Dissertation chair--Henry Teune.
Burma Chair--Donald E Smith
India Chair --an India expert from Wharton School of Business
Department Chair--Planning Theory--Seymour Mandelbaum.
External Examiner--Josef Silverstein--Burma expert.
Each one of these professors mentored me well. Thank you.
I studied authoritarian systems, command economies, Soviet Eco.Planning, Indian Eco.Planning, Eco. problems of Maoist China, Deng Xioaping Reforms and more--
So I am really a Political Economist and a Systems Expert--not a "Burma area specialist"
a cardboard box I resent being pushed into.
and I am also a novelist, sometime writer of non-fiction, and a poet.
Don't typecast me, I hate it.
Kyi May Kaung
These days I sign myself, at least in fiction--"Land of the Free and the Brave"--which could be anywhere.