Monday, May 19, 2014

Dr Maung Zarni and VOA news--Burmese junta is behind new racial purity law and sangha central committee.

From Dr Maung Zarni:

"I have been saying and writing about this for 2 years - and even the anti-racist senior western diplomats kept telling me there was NO EVIDENCE or BASIS  to establish the LINK between the anti-Rohingya mass violence, anti-Muslim GENOCIDAL hate speech, and everything else that is so 19th century and so despicably racist at the communal level AND the 'reformist' Government of President Thein Sein.
Even Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world with a vested economic interest in Burma's resource extractive sector, keeps promoting the policy fantasy that all that that is violent and hate-ridden is merely 'communal, 'sectarian' - or to use the fancy jargon 'horizontal'.

Here is the latest news analysis brought to you not by activists but but the United States Government's official Burmese language program.

I am actually surprised that the United States that spends billions of dollars on international intelligence gathering can't figure out who has all along been behind 969. "neo-Nazi Buddhist" campaign.   

One can't help wonder whether this slow intelligence gathering is the result of the fact that the genocidal campaign is directed at the Muslims and the oil-less Rohingya - not at those who may be linked with US strategic interests. 

12 mins · Edited · 
Source: Voice of America ‪#‎Myamar‬ leaders, government and the Parliament leaders, are officially supportive of #969 and its ‪#‎Nazi‬-inspired off-shoot the league for the 'Defence of Race and ‪#‎Buddhist‬Faith'.
‪#‎Myanmar‬ government and Parliament (President and ex-gen. Thein Sein, Speaker of the House and ex-general Shwe Mann and the Minister of Religious Affairs and ex-general Hsan Hsint) are reportedly directly behind 969, Myanmar's Nazi-inspired "Buddhist" movement led by Wirathu and other racist 'monks'.
I salute the two brave and truthful Burmese reporters - Daw Ingyin Myaing and U Sithu Aung Myint for this story.
SOURCE: The Voice of America Burmese Language News Analysis, 19 May 2014

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online