Tuesday, May 06, 2014

My U Win Tin translation project--

My Project translating U Win Tin's memoir, What's That?  A Human Hell.
Photos and translation copyright KMKaung--
I can only work on this 2-4 hours per week.
So far am about 1/6th into the 300 page book, but it is single space in a very small Burmese font.
I also add footnotes or end notes as I go along, but it will all need to be typed up.

I can't do literary translation on a computer.

Need time to think.

Of course, I've read it all the way through the first time, but I usually read each chapter through and make notes before I translate.

Anyone who thinks they can do a good translation fast should give it a try.

I am sick of journalists asking for excerpts and so once and for all I will say here, my US-based copyright/intellectual property lawyer has advised me not to give out a single copy. 

I make hard copies as I go along and keep in different places.

So it's good I don't have a typed copy except to show the first-- pages to a prospective literary agent.

So if you are not an agent, don't ask me.

I have realized that since I read U Win Tin a lot now, I am picking up his brusque manner of speaking. 

So they can all go to hell.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
