Thursday, December 10, 2015

FGM--one of the worst abuses of women possible--

My novella--FGM--about Female Genital Mutilation, the worst kind of abuse possible--

Again, this is a novelistic--i.e imaginative treatment,

on why maybe some women/mothers go along with it.

It is NOT a comprehensive report, and my aim was not to provide information, I am not an expert on it, but to get you to thinking, and in this I think I succeeded.

I cannot help it if you think it is "not well written"--I write as well as I know how and I don't know what your standards are for "well written"

So that's that.

If you wish to read/buy it, it is available here in different formats.

In the new year, we should concentrate on things that are wrong with this world, right? and what can be more wrong than FGM?

And you can't expect a medical report, or a social report from a $6 novella or short story.

For those who did buy it, read it and went to the trouble of thinking about it and posting a comment on line, Big Thank You.

FYI, specialists reports are commissioned for tens of thousands of $$$ and as this is a short slice of life story, by one writer, this is all I can do and intend to do on this subject.

Hemingway once said he only wrote on one theme once--

That's all I have to say right now--

you can buy it here--

It is what I say it is A story--about the mutilation of women, it's not an encyclopedia article nor a comprehensive medical and social economic report on this issue.

It's your job to find out more if you are interested in this issue.


English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...