Saturday, December 12, 2015

Poem--Here come the Burmese--by KMKaung


Here they come with their little cookie cutters

their yardsticks literally much shorter

their tunnel vision

their preconceived notions

their biases

their racism
their xenophobism
their anti-Westernism
their extreme nationalism
their sexism

their snobbishness

their great Burman policies

their central control

their all round nastiness.

What else?

Their illustrious pasts
their great religion
their great history
their generals

What else?

Their betel spit saliva
their small mindedness

their lack of true education

their constant meditation.

Their military.

Their paranoia.

Their "I am better than you

and we are all shwe (gold)"

and you are pe "pair" beans

especially if you are Hispanic.

And then there are the whites

some of them

who want to be more Burmese than Burmese--

who mostly marry Burmese--

It is not amazing

that some people I know

have given up

this part of themselves entirely

and started learning

French, German, Mandarin--


English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...