Thursday, July 06, 2017

DJT in Poland, pally with R Wing, attacking free press--Tweets

  1. While Trump was tweeting about Mika, Congress gave him a win on sanctuary cities
  2. The White House is playing a game of chicken with the media
  3. Why CNN is Trump’s favorite foil
  4. Kyi Kaung Retweeted Callum Borchers
    Mistress LIAR, paid w our tax money.
    Kyi Kaung added,
  5. What ever happened to Trump TV?
  6. well even if Poland & USA under T not exactly gong way one wld wish it's gd to see photos of Warsaw wh I was in 1968-9. On a scholarship.
  7. see below DJT will not change power will make him more corrupt, more erratic we NEED gd ole CHECKS & BALANCES Need to RESIST-
  8. It's the end of the Trump 'reset' narrative as we know it
  9. Trump took a question from a reporter he considered hiring and used it to bash the media
  10. USA Today counts up Trump's tweets on the front page of today's paper
  11. Thomas Jefferson still survives.
  12. Gregory Korte Retweeted NPR
    Gregory Korte added,
  13. Trump + Duda will be addressing reporters in Warsaw later this a.m. Still unclear if the president will take Qs.
  14. At the Royal Castle in Warsaw, where President Trump meets with Polish President Duda soon. Across the street is historic St. Anne Church.
  15. Replying to
    Contrast with President Obama, who often made a point of extolling a free press — especially when overseas.
  16. mikes in Warsaw restaurant suspected to have been places by Russian govt FSB
  17. 4 ths new extreme R Law & Justice prty of Polnd & Jb Bush & T. see R Maddow MSNBC 7-6 Supposed pro-USA for. min, caught on tape bad mouthng
  18. Crowds with U.S., Polish and Solidarity flags line up for President Trump's Warsaw speech. (Law and Justice Party bussed many of them in.)
  19. Emcee at Trump's Warsaw speech: "We will begin the program shortly." And then, more ominously: "So prepare yourselves."
  20. Trump speech clearly has Stephen Bannon's fingerprints on it. Strong theme of Western civilization being threatened from within and without.
  21. Next up in Poland: Trump speaks at Warsaw Uprising memorial about whether the West has the "will to survive"
  22. Spotted at Trump's Krasinski Square speech in Warsaw: fmr WH national security advisers Gen. Jim Jones (Obama) & Steve Hadley (Bush 43)
  23. Beginning Warsaw speech, Trump mentions for 2nd time today the support he got from Polish-Americans in the 2016 elections
  24. Trump notes that Poland was invaded by Russia and then Nazi Germany. "That’s trouble. That’s tough."
  25. Amid criticism from Jewish leaders that Trump didn't visit Warsaw Ghetto monument, WH tells pool Ivanka laid wreath & toured museum there
  26. I wrote about a police quandary under Trump: Threats for disregarding ICE's demands, but lawsuits for heeding them
  27. Follow our journalists , who are in Warsaw covering Trump's visit to Poland.
  28. Somebody is waving a big old stars-n-bars Confederate flag at the Trump speech at Krasinski Square
  29. Melania really loved her tour of the Copernicus science center.
  30. Trump standing in fr
  31. Trump thanks Lech Walesa for coming. Crowd boos.
  32. Trump just reasserted his commitment to Article 5 -- then hammered NATO members for not paying up. A shot at Germany, plaudits to the Poles.
  33. Why Trump is formidable: foreign speeches pay lavish homage to locals. But themes-military, ISIS, immigration, trade-are pure Mobile, Ala.
  34. Trump Warsaw takeaways (cont.) 3-heavy on Polish rising, light on Jewish uprising 4-Sees Poland as his base: god, guns, trade, jobs, pride
  35. Trump speech takeaways 1/2 1-tried to take heat off Putin meeting w/ Russia whack 2-tried to put heat on Merkel by praising Poland on NATO $
  36. Laurence Tribe Retweeted Glenn Thrush
    Attacking our own Intel, giving Putin a pass, inviting more Russian attacks on our democracy: Trifecta, Mr. President. Mad props!
    Laurence Tribe added,
  37. Preet Bharara Retweeted Donald Trump Jr.
    Respectfully, today all celebrate the promise of America whether for new immigrants or aging reality TV stars. America belongs to all of us.
    Preet Bharara added,
  38. In 1776, 8 immigrants signed the Declaration of Independence. This week, I celebrated by swearing in 41 kids to be U.S. Citizens.
  39. . must raise Russia's interference in our election with Putin, or the Kremlin will conclude he is too weak to confront them directly.
  40. Another corrupt business that purports to adhere to Biblical principles. It's called stealing. via
  41. The Administration needs to change its failed strategy for N. Korea.

Lester Holt is moving to Dateline--thank goodness--