Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Mayo Clinic, uterine cancer and endometriosis pages. If you're female, you need to know, and if you are male, you do also as cancer can happen to anyone, including your loved ones. Breast cancer can occur in men. One thing I found with Burma and Thailand was they do too many hysterectomies, sometimes without informing the patient at all, or without adequate information. On one short trip, I "found" 4 victims of "forced hysterectomy" in a very small sample of about 20 women. All were very young. One allowed me to interview her under an assumed name she chose herself, and said she was properly informed, but only after being prepped for surgery. She complained that her work colleagues did not understand. We will all die of something or the other, but it is best to seek good medical advice and treatment. Ignorance or quack doctors kill too. km Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Quote fr W Somerset Maugham--wiki--

on 15 December;[2] Selina Hastings (2010) writes that he died in the early hours of 16 December.[3] The official registration gave the date ...