Saturday, September 01, 2018

Quote of the day--from McCain wiki--some say Palin paved the way for trmp.

McCain's decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate was criticised; New York Times journalist David Brooks says that "he took a disease that was running through the Republican party – anti-intellectualism, disrespect for facts – and he put it right at the centre of the party".[245] Laura McGann in Vox says that McCain gave the "reality TV politics" and Tea Party movement more political legitimacy, as well as solidifying "the Republican Party's comfort with a candidate who would say absurdities ... unleashing a political style and a values system that animated the Tea Party movement and laid the groundwork for a Trump presidency."[246] Although McCain said later in life that he expressed regret for not choosing the independent Senator Joe Lieberman as his VP candidate instead, he has consistently defended Palin's performances at his events.[247]

Pentagon to fire 5,400 employees--backlash builds