Tuesday, September 04, 2018

TRMS--Kavanaugh Hearing, Intv of John Kerry--Woodward book.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4iV49eX_Nc Kerry: trmp does not know what he's talking about. This is a dangerous time. Republicans except for few exceptions only interested in protecting themselves. (One of them has passed away.) WE have the chance to hold trmp accountable and send him on his way. They have alternate facts There are no alternative facts facts are facts. There's no agreement on facts. Differing on how to deal with problems is a different thing. 9-4-2018 Rachel Maddow--intro--Kerry in 1988 with help of Mueller, dismantled world's most sleazy bank BCCI--drug Noriega scandal.

Va Pensiero + modern dance--
