Monday, February 06, 2023

Chinese actor- Hu Ge--sounds seriously overworked-

Chinese actor Hu Ge—sounds seriously overworked. Amazing body of work, was in serious accident. Hope he does not die like poor Godfrey Gao, who had a similar meteoric career. Most artistic creative people are traumatized. That's why there are so many suicides. We who look at, buy, read, watch their life's work, are similarly looking for Escape-- and they are fulfilling our dreams through the market place. And what about all those workers who set type, format books, sweep the floors, lay the bricks, sew the seams?? It's a kind of forgetfulness drug. It's sad but true. Just a thought. kmkaung 2-6-2023

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--